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Trail updates

There's a decent amount of silt in front of the Jail on the Jail trail. Otherwise it's clear to the detour. There's *a lot* of silt as you exit the parking lot on the other end.

Boundary street is down to one lane in two places. There a lot of debris just after the tracks as you're heading down Boundary St, which is a deadly place for rocks.

The South Side trail was untouched.

Any word on the Bud Harris Oval?

2011-08-22 00:28:24

I drove past it [edit: the Oval] Saturday evening & it looked to be a muddy mess: thick buildup on the curve closest to the river.

2011-08-22 00:45:15

Drove past the oval yesterday... looked ok except for gravel & small branches on the straight closest to Wash. Blvd. Rode thru Schenley & Highland parks today... lots of gravel & silt in the usual spots and then some. Heads up out there.

2011-08-22 02:33:11

Panther Hollow trail is kind of a mess in spots, but generally rideable. The run (Saline St., etc.) looks like it got the crap kicked out of it, but is also generally rideable.

I headed home to Sq. Hill from downtown on Friday immediately after the storm, saw a cyclist ahead of me absolutely plow through about six inches of water, or more, on the jail trail near the Second Ave parking lot, where water tends to collect. I detoured around the parking lot. I can't believe he stayed upright, but good for him (although his shoes and pannier must have been soaked).

2011-08-22 13:12:21

I went through some of the Clayton trail and Riverview trail on the Squirrel Hill side frick during my run today. Things seemed relatively intact, but with a decent amount of gravel exposed on the North Clayton loop (I don't think this is technically a bike path though?)

I'm not sure if things are more washed out/flood damaged getting towards the braddock trail and regent square though. Does anyone know? The boards over at PORC don't seem to have any frick ride reports since before the weekend.

2011-08-22 23:52:11

Boundary Street was completely blocked off this morning. I had to go up and around to Bouquet Street to get to Panther Hallow.

2011-08-23 13:56:24

Took the Jail Trail yesterday & it was fine. Panther Hollow was fine, too, although I went up Joncaire. Can't report on the part of Boundary between the Museums & CMU.

2011-08-23 18:16:54