There should be caution signs on Arlington Avenue.
Bikes turn off Arlington to Warrington Avenue and fall when the bike hits the tracks.
Also going down Arlington Avenue to downtown, the tracks are raised and the rider falls. I have personally stopped for 2 cyclists that wiped out.
2022-08-05 20:24:43
Crossing tracks on a bike at anything less than a right angle is an invitation to trouble. Cyclists need to know this, and so do drivers. I'm less familiar with the Warrington intersection than I am at PJ McArdle where the street goes straight but the tracks turn, on a steep downhill.
2022-09-04 11:43:44
PJ McArdle has no trolley tracks and that includes both ends of the intersection with the Liberty bridge and tunnel. You must be referring to the lower section of Arlington Avenue. The Streetcar tracks go up Arlington Avenue and then down Warrington Avenue as the Streetcars bypass the Old Streetcar tunnel.
2022-09-11 04:39:21
Arlington at McArdle is where Port Authority's tracks leave the public street and veer onto private right-of-way. My reference was to the intersection, not the street itself.,-79.9979845,3a,75y,328.25h,84.11t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sJiF4JTADxUjZS4L3taypVg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192
2022-09-17 11:14:22
I keep forgetting about that lower part of McArdle, east of the Liberty tunnels on the way to the South Side. It would not be bad but I have used that part of McArdle many a time to get to the South side and in the 1970s took many a trip on the old PCC Streetcars up Arlington Avenue when it was mostly one track (When the Arlington Route was rebuilt in the early 1980s it was comverted to the present dual track system EXCEPT for the ramp from Arlington Avenue to the Panhandle Bridge, which is still single tracked).
2022-09-20 00:12:53