Trying to change out the front tire and... I can't deflate the front tire below 45psi or so. No slime, just plain old schraeder tubes.
It seems crazy to be looking at that as a problem, but I can't take the existing tire off I don't think, and was really looking forward to running both, not one of the new gatorskins.
I would prefer to keep the tire as a spare. If there's a way to make the tube deflate without destroying it that's nice, but meh.
2016-04-26 12:23:18
Just unscrew the valve core.
2016-04-26 12:27:18
My needle nose pliers don't make it in. One possible rephrase taking minor tube damage as inevitable and being ok with patching is, where is the "best" place to stick a pin so the damage to the tire is the least likely to matter?
2016-04-26 12:35:19
Are you really thinking about putting a hole in a tire and a tube so you can avoid buying a $5 tool? Go to the auto parts store and buy a valve core removal tool!
2016-04-26 14:21:47
In old days schraeder cups were made from metal and core removal tool was a part of cup design on the top of the cup... May you can find one... Or like Jake suggested buy one...
2016-04-26 15:12:35
At the very least, just cut the valve off, rather than poking the tire. Maybe you could make a similar tool with a paperclip.
2016-04-26 15:19:37
Good idea about the stem. Or just turn the stem with a pair of pliers until it rips a hole in the tube. Though valve remover #1 option.
2016-04-26 18:00:21
I loaned him my tool. It's very hard to get that core out without one--I know.
2016-04-26 18:52:55
By the way it weighed perfectly, thanks Jon.
2016-04-27 08:50:19
Now my second question is, can you put the valve back in and make it operational again?
2016-04-27 12:12:49
Worked perfectly, phone autocomplete. Though I guess I can't complain about the weight either.
In terms of going back in, in principle I think yes, I'll yinz know when this arrives how it works for me.
2016-04-27 16:37:55
Reinstalling the valve core with the proper tool will work fine, assuming the core is good.
2016-04-28 15:18:39