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USA Cycling

USA Cycling

There has been much debate lately about the dangers of the road. We recently came across these figures from the NY trasportation authority that say the number of cycling casualities on the road has remained steady or event decreased despite a rapid rise in the number of cyclists. A sort of pack mentality - the more cyc...lists there are on the roads, the more drivers are aware of them. Hummm.....

2009-11-11 00:35:55

NYC has been doing a lot (comparatively anyway) to make it better for cyclists. There are some new bikes lanes etc. What would be interesting to see is whether the number of cars in the city on a given day has dropped as the number of bicycles/riders has increased. I seem to recall Mayor Bloomberg was trying to reduce the number of people driving into the city.

2009-11-11 13:10:05

I would be careful about reading too much into Transportation Alternatives' figures. There are some confounding variables -- which happens -- and some serious errors that can hardly be anything but intentional :(( Let's just say, there's a real shortage of careful, unbiased science, and a lot of people with axes to grind.

2009-11-11 13:32:15