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Volunteers Needed for Bike Counts, 9/13 - 9/15

The Pittsburgh area is looking to participate in a national bike and pedestrian documentation project.

The goal is conduct bicycle (and possibly pedestrian) counts at key locations throughout the City on the specified dates of September 13-15.

The more folks we have involved, the more locations we can count, and the more comprehensive the data will be.

If you can spare a couple of hours on Tuesday, September 13 OR Wednesday, September 14 OR Thursday, September 15, please let me know via PM.

In general, I'll try to assign you to a count location that is convenient to where you live or work, so let me know generally where you would be during the time you are available.

I'll also provide some fairly easy to follow instructions on how to do the counts, and what you might need in the way of equipment (a chair, a couple extra pens, water, perhaps a hat or sunglasses, etc.)

We had about 20 folks from this board volunteer last year. I think most of them thought it was an ok experience.

I look forward to hearing from you all...!

2011-09-01 19:46:00

I had a lot of fun last year when I did it (but I've got fine childhood memories of count events, my grandmother used to throw Audobon Bird Counting Parties). Injury precludes it this year, I'll have to count vicariously through others :( (does that count?)

2011-09-01 19:50:28

@E - you've done your share, and provided great insights in the process. I've carried your observations forward on several occasions. You get an injury exemption this year....! (Good luck on your recovery, by the way!)

2011-09-01 19:53:20

What hours of the days do you need help?

2011-09-04 13:42:30

Unfortunately, I can't do those dates. I did actually enjoy doing it last year. I made my boyfriend get up early and we brought a thermos of coffee, folding chairs and we had a small wager going to see what the final count would be.

2011-09-05 01:08:13

it's also opened up to the following week as well (sept 13,14,15)if next week doesn't work

2011-09-07 21:54:04

@erok I assume you mean to say 9/20,9/21,9/22

2011-09-13 12:14:45

@dmt - yes. National Data Week is this week, but we'll be doing counts next week as well (he week of 9/19).

2011-09-13 13:17:19