Hi all, just started bike commuting from squirrel hill to downtown, literally, a week ago. It's been a fun week and I found somewhat to my surprise that I could handle the climb back through the park, up the Greenfield Avenue sidewalk, up the Bates street sidewalk. But slowly... really, really slowly. I know I will get faster with time, but there was something in particular I wanted to ask about.
You see, as I get to the hill tops I crest the top super slow and what's really galling is that can't seem to get out of the granny gear for a little while from weariness and inertia. Would like engage some different muscles, finish stronger and accelerate back to a reasonable pace faster by standing on the pedals. And maybe this is a case of correlation not causation, but it seems that it's only after the slow as molasses acceleration, when I start to resume more normal speed, that the burn really dissipates. So I'm hoping by cresting faster and being in a different position to pick up speed more easily not only can I go faster, but I can get my legs moving normally again more quickly and reduce the length of the burn.
Here's the thing, I'm a ridiculous klutz with a poor sense of balance. I barely even learned to ride at all as a kid.
When I try to get my seat more than just a bit the pedal goes down too fast. I find myself with a death grip on the handlebars, a spiking heart rate, only the most fleeting speed gain and precisely zero confidence that I can repeat the maneuver with the other leg without falling over.
But when I try to up-shift when I'm already going kinda slow up a hill to lesson the problem of loosing my footing and balance, I find I don't generally catch the gear without a little slip and the same spiking heart rate, lack of comfort in the position, and lack of rhythm means that I don't last more than a few strokes before needing to sit my fat behind back in the saddle, substantially weaker for the experiment.
Maybe I just keep up the latter experiment until I stink at less and adrenaline surges go away, but if there are some techniques I can apply so I can stop stinking quicker, would be much appreciated.