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washingtons landing

does anyone know if we are allowed to ride on the trail past the boat club on washingtons landing i rode past the boat club today and an employee there started cussing me out is that part of the trail off limits for bikes
2013-04-30 20:36:40
Do you mean the restaurant? When they're busy, there's people seated right up on both sides of the trail. If you're so inclined you could probably grab a chicken leg or a beer as you glide by. They put up a sign (in season) asking riders to take a detour (up this residential cul-de-sac that seems to always have masses of 4-5yr-old kids running around in the middle of the street). I've learned to avoid that stretch. On the other hand I don't see why that establishment feels entitled to encroach upon a public thoroughfare and make legitimate users unwelcome. Street vendors do the same thing but at least they have the decency to put up with pedestrians (though I guess it's because they're potential customers...) I would really like to know the status of that stretch of trail, and if it's indeed public get the restaurant to stfu about legitimate trail users. I realize that this is a bit snarky: but it does sound like a great Flock route once the 31st open up.
2013-04-30 21:07:53
Well, I don't recall seeing any signs to that effect. I was planning to ride over to OTB tomorrow after lunch for an afternoon wakeup and to show a little paid appreciation for the (barring injury) at least four free drinks I plan on getting from them. But if I'm feeling feisty, maybe I'll do Washington's landing instead ;-)
2013-04-30 21:08:23
yes the restaurant there was nobody seated but there was a boat on the sidewalk just past the tables there was about 2 feet of space so i squeezed past and a guy working there cussed at me i guess he dont like bikers
2013-04-30 21:17:19
It's a shitty position to be in, waiting tables on a patio that's also a public thoroughfare. I do sympathize a little with the employee in that position. The business on the other hand...
2013-04-30 21:22:53
oh he wasent waiting tables he was working on the boat that was on the sidewalk
2013-04-30 21:25:47
ill probly just avoid that area in the future but a group ride thru there would be fun
2013-04-30 21:43:06
I was in Pittsburgh 2 weekends ago and biked up the trail through there. They had a signed posted at that time saying to walk your bikes through the restaurant area. I was with a group a friends. We all walked through there and no one objected to what we did. Takeaway: Unless they have changed their minds in the last two weeks, you should be able to walk your bikes through there without a problem.
2013-04-30 22:02:43
That's always been bike trail, the sign asking you to walk your bike has been there for years (and seems like a very reasonable request). I think the person claiming "closed to bikes" is mis/under informed.
2013-05-01 09:23:03
Tell the angry Skipper the sidewalk isn't a boat workshop.
2013-05-01 09:37:08
It's not as if they are setting up shop on the jail trail. It's a very reasonable request.
2013-05-01 09:57:47
I feel like dismounting for that 20 yards isn't too bad. Last year I gave bike tours around that island and the staff was always nice to us since we dismounted. at least it isnt like the staff at the bbt claiming they own the sidewalk. to be honest, if a boat worker swore at me i would swear right back, unless i buzzed him accidentally or something.
2013-05-01 10:36:12