Pretty cool talk on Wednesday at lunch here at CMU. If you can't make it in person, check the livestream link and watch it from your desk or once it's posted to the Traffic21/T-SET website. If you can make it email me at nndimbie at so make sure we have enough (free) foods.
Traffic21 Faculty Seminar with Bernardo Pires: Computer Vision Data Collection for Safer Cyclists and Pedestrians
Wednesday, November 2
12:00 - 1:00PM
Hamburg Hall 1002
Lunch provided
This talk will focus on the use computer vision to collect actionable data for government officials and advocates that promote bicycling and walking. Although the health and environmental benefits of a non-automobile commute are well known, it is still difficult to understand how to get more people to take up active transportation. Infrastructure can have a dramatic effect on cycling and walking adoption, but represents a significant outlay of government resources. Thus, concrete usage and safety statistics are paramount for assessing and optimizing such spending. The talk will discuss three projects that are in various stages of development and use computer vision to collect actionable data: 1) A cyclist and pedestrian counting system for bike lanes; 2) A pedestrian detection and wait time measurement system for crosswalks; and 3) A speedgun app for mobile devices.
Bernardo Pires is a Project Scientist at the Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University. His recent work focuses on practical applications of Computer Vision, including wearable and hand-held devices, intelligent bike and pedestrian counting, and gps-denied vehicle navigation. From 2011 to 2014, he was a Post-Doctoral Fellow working on methods for gaze tracking and its applications to people and object recognition. His post-doctoral research technology was incorporated into a CMU spin-off. Bernardo holds a PhD degree from Carnegie Mellon University and a Licenciatura (B.S.) from Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), at the Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal. At IST, his research won the Prof. Luís Vidigal Award for the Best Graduation Thesis in the fields of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
Traffic21 is a multi-disciplinary research effort of Carnegie Mellon University. Its goal is to design, test, deploy and evaluate information and communications technology based solutions to address the problems facing the transportation system of the Pittsburgh region and the nation. Learn more here.
Can't make it? Catch the livestream on Wednesday (starting at ~12:10pm) here: