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Weekly Bike Rides

In an effort to keep track of all the different rides going on in Pittsburgh, I'm starting this new thread. If you host, participate in, or know about rides or riding groups please post it here. I'll then edit the thread and put it in comprehensive list form.

Please include:
1) Name of ride or group and contact info
2) Day and time of ride
3) Meeting place (actual address and hard coded link on google maps if you can)
4) Length (Avg Time & Distance)
5) Difficulty

2007-10-29 17:10:09

Anyone know of any more?

2009-03-24 16:30:39

The Thursday night Team Caffeine gang at Tazzo d'Oro has started. Right now, the rides start at 5:45 PM, but that time will crept later as there is more daylight. Unofficially they are the "try not to drop" crew, meaning stragglers will be collected periodically. At the moment the rides are about 75-90 minutes, and generally a bit hilly. As the group gets bigger, a "half-cafe" group will also ride at the same time. Pace is a bit lighter and the routes are a bit flatter.

There's a "decaf" ride on Tuesdays, but that hasn't started yet.

If you're interested in the Thursday night rides, let me know and I'll get you on the email list. bjanaszek/gmail

2009-03-24 17:05:27

(Dejah voo all over again)

The Wheelmen host a development ride out of the JC Stone field in North Park that's usually pretty fun. Tuesdays, starts promptly at 5:30, no-drop (although a spirited breakaway on Babcock on the way back to North Park has been known to happen), 20-30 miles of rolling, mostly low-traffic terrain. Pace is moderate-to-quick, goal is improvement, so plan on ride-end average speed of 16-17mph+.

2009-03-24 17:38:36