While it would probably be too expensive to do, some kind of connecting path from Highland Park down the oval would be ideal. Likely impractical, too, because of the grade of that hill.
What Can We Do About Negley Run/Getting to the Oval?
First, the new bike lanes on ELB make getting to the Oval that much easier. Thanks. Really.
But it's still mildly dangerous to get the Oval from ELB. I still have trouble wrapping my head around the fact that such a great cycling resource is in one of the most bike-unfriendly spots in the city. It'd be great to bring the kids to the races in the trailer, but doing that right now just give me the willies.
Has anything been done to put this on the city's radar? What can we do? I know there are plenty of racers that would appreciate (and help work toward) a bike friendly way to get there.
A dirt path with about 6 switchbacks wouldn't be the end of the world to build. The hill is steep, but wide giving plenty of room to keep the slope gentle. Getting the trailerable might be a bit of a chore but doable.
If we could get enough volunteer labor, I wonder if the city would allow it?
I feel they should extend the bike lane from ELB to Negley Run, there are no need for two lanes there, since it is hardly used anyway...by doing this I feel they will not do anything to drastically help bikers on washington blvd, but why not put in a decent sidewalk there where the oval is, and make it start from negley run, and have it go to allegheny river blvd. As I recall there is nothing there now but grass, it would be perfect to be able to tear that grass up and put a wide sidewalk in there....making in much easier to ride to the track rather than driving to the track or taking risks to get there!
Connecting the Velodrome to the ELB is a priority for the City. I can't give you any thing more specific than that (we're looking at several opportunities as well as funding), but rest assured that this connection problem is on the City's radar.
This is very good news. Thanks, Stephen.
That is good news that it's on the radar, but the bigger issue is getting from the end of negley run to the oval. That little stretch of washington blvd is about as far from bike friendly as it gets. As nick said, a sidewalk or a path would be nice to connect across the fire training center. There is definitely ample space to put a path in that runs all the way down negely run to the oval, you can see it on google maps street view.
Yeah, I'm assuming that a usage study would show that Negley Run doesn't need to be two lanes.
There actually is a trail that comes come down the Oval via Highland Park (just past the tennis courts on Stanton). Nearly every week this summer I said to myself "I'm just going to walk down the trail instead of riding Washington Blvd" but every week I rode Washington Blvd.