Those seem ok, and it's good that they will do custom measurements. The width is really important, since you don't want your heel whacking the pannier when you pedal.
Things I don't like:
- The description says you drop the bag over your rack and then fasten the velcro straps. Which straps? In my experience, it's REALLY important that the pannier hooks on to the rack with two metal hooks, and then has a tight elastic strap down to another metal hook which holds it firmly against your rack. These don't seem to have that, but maybe I'm missing something? I experimented with a pannier set in this style and they flapped around, were too wide (the particular design's fault), etc. I'm skeptical of something that doesn't hook on the rack at a couple different points. I want that thing glued ON my bike, not moving around.
- I am skeptical of bags that are "water-resistant" but not water-proof. The "high-density backing" sounds good, though? I don't know much about this. If you've had a good experience with a water-resistant bag, then cool. I'd just research the materials this person uses first. They may be fine.
- I often just need one pannier, but the design forces you to use both.
- they aren't any cheaper than water-proof panniers made by axiom (well, depending on the size and where you can find them on sale), banjo brothers (i'm into both of those, and i own banjo brothers panniers).
- those white straps hanging down in the 4th picture.. hol-y crap. i have an older pair of panniers that have straps that hang down if you forget to fasten them. i'm a realllllly careful person in general, but i have forgotten to fasten the straps at least three times, started pedaling, and whoops! there goes the strap, greasy and mangled, around my freewheel. it sounds like something that can be easily avoided but i don't know.. it sucks when it happens!
Things I like:
- they are handmade.
- they look like they could fit a lot of stuff, especially larger items!
- they are cute.
- they seem like they'd be easier to carry by hand since they have that middle part, but like i said, you'd always need to use both.
- they are white, so they make you more visible.