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What's your Drive With Care profile?

My Drive With Care profile is: Urban Homesteader. Neighbor. Rides a Bike. What's yours? Please submit and support the Drive With Care campaign! With your help we will be relaunching the Drive With Care campaign. The messaging really resonated with people when we first launched the campaign last summer, and we want to expand its reach. Please check out the Indiegogo campaign at to make a contribution, watch the campaign video, and check out the perks including cycling caps, shirts, Rick Sebak's voice on your answering machine, and more! Using social media? Tag @bikepgh and #bikepghcares
2014-03-21 14:29:05
Have to donate soon. I think mine would be: Bread baker Book lover Rides a bike
2014-03-23 14:26:39
Social Worker Dog Lover Rides a Bike I love the "adventure" tee. I need one of those!
2014-03-23 14:39:35
I think I'd want to play with key social themes. Pick one from each category. { Anal retentive, Buzzworder, Sex addict, Color blind, Omnivore, Retiree, Union Member, Fundamentalist} { Anarchist, Bircher, Job Creator, Lane Taker, Oralist, Politician, West Point, } { Actuary, Bitcoin Miner, Value Adder, Power Pointer, Organ Donor, Browns Fan, Wiki Editor, }
2014-03-24 06:51:48
I was thinking "Weapons Expert. Poor Impulse Control. Rides a bike.", but realized that's probably not the intended tone.
2014-03-24 09:50:55
If you want to set the tone not to be messed with, think you need to do it by carrying something conspicuous on your back. Was just looking for an image of how to carry bow and arrow properly over the shoulder, something like the bottom right corner of this: But also came across this, and in spite of a personal distaste for hunting, I have to call it the grand prize winner:
2014-03-24 10:41:41
There is of course this classic image:
2014-03-24 11:02:11
Crafter Sister Rides a Bike Don't clip me (I deserve at least a yard) We've just topped $10,000!! Let's keep the tally climbing. Thanks for your support!
2014-03-24 15:32:30
Jon's image makes me wonder about the terrestrial version of the winter biathlon. Does not exist...... yet!
2014-03-24 16:21:38
Errr... what I mean to say was... hmmm... Does not exist that I am aware of, but it should! Thanks for bringing that to my attention, Mikail! Is that another thing pampered European (or Eurasian) cyclists get? I have never heard of this activity on our continent- but it would not surprise me if it was done in Canada.
2014-03-25 17:51:01
Former Sailor (still lost at sea) Wind in my hair, I now sail the roads Please don't set me adrift.
2014-03-25 23:00:03
Those are great! Keep them coming. We're 30% of the way to our goal. If you haven't yet, please donate todayand share this short link with all of your friends: We need to take the message to the people who drive that we are also people and deserve to be treated as such! The more they see these messages, the more drivers will internalize them and the dynamics of riding on the roads will improve for everyone.
2014-04-03 12:16:02
Mine is something like Father, programmer Sometimes kind of an asshole But please don't kill me (also a haiku)
2014-04-03 12:42:01
You stole mine!
2014-04-03 12:47:58
Pittsburgher. Buccos Fan. Rides a Bike. Don't drive ignorant.
2014-04-03 17:13:03
I ride to work, I ride to the store, I ride for fun. Dont kill me! Just like you are.
2014-04-03 20:42:40
Tatay. RPCV. Rides a Bike. Before you honk, before you curse, consider I could be your fellow neighbor, co-worker, or parish member, first.
2014-04-04 10:31:50
Marko82 wrote:I ride to work, I ride to the store, I ride for fun. Just like you
2014-04-04 16:02:56
The spoke cards are in. Support Drive With Care and say that you SPOKE up for your friends! It's also a great way to show off you Drive With Care profiles.
spoke card
2014-04-09 15:40:55
@becca, so your theory is that people knowing you like to make puns will make them less likely to run you down?
2014-04-10 08:29:32
Yes! Everyone needs a little levity in their day. And if they're close enough to read the spoke card then I'm probably stopped and making them chuckle...
2014-04-12 17:27:30
Still looking for my SPD clown shoes. Size 42, anyone?
2014-04-12 21:06:00
Top for the last two days- We're just $1000 from unlocking a $10,000 matching donation to meet our goal!! Any amount you can give will help get us there... Check it out Huge thanks to all of you who have already contributed!
2014-04-18 14:40:31
Happy to contribute. When do I get my profile painted on a PAT bus? Robot Scientist Get off your phone Don't hurt your car breaking my bones
2014-04-19 14:42:55
Just now: $51,346USD RAISED OF $50,000 GOAL 103% 35 hours left Trying for $60k, to pay for an additional photo-shoot featuring "real" Pittsburghers. When do I get my profile painted on a PAT bus? As soon as you come up with the 8,654$USD
2014-04-19 15:07:28
beccameadow wrote:Top for the last two days- We’re just $1000 from unlocking a $10,000 matching donation to meet our goal!! Any amount you can give will help get us there… Check it out Huge thanks to all of you who have already contributed!
Was that the two anonymous $5k donations that came rolling? This is awesome. Congrats to everyone involved.
2014-04-19 17:41:12
Congrats to all involved on reaching your Indie Go Go fundraising goal. Great work.
2014-04-19 23:04:07
Thanks so much for your support everyone! We're thrilled to be taking the Drive With Care Campaign to the streets!
2014-04-24 11:13:28
Nice banner on the Clemente bridge!
2014-08-27 18:29:18
Starting to see the ad buys on PAT buses. Saw the lawyer one on a 71A that stopped Downtown in front of a crowded bus stop, and another on a P1, I think. Good to see where the $ is going.
2014-08-29 16:49:36
Starting to see the bus shelter ads! Bakfiets!
2014-09-04 08:05:04