I think it was reddan that had a comprehensive list of bookmarks for this purpose. I'd love to see it again, as I am missing a few. Locally, Performace/REI/LBS. Online, add Bike Nashbar and Sierra Trading Post. Oh, and while I mostly try to ignore it, I have to confess that I've snagged an "almost" bargain off of Steepandcheap.com once or twice.
where do you buy your gear?
i'm in the market for a few various bits of gear, such as some wool socks, some tights, perhaps some new gloves, and it seems i've gotten quite cheap over the past few years.
so i'm shopping around and finding all kinds of prices and having no idea what anything costs. so i'm wondering where you folks buy your gear. i'm looking, i guess, for quality stuff at good value from a reputable vendor, the normal internet shopping requirements.
additionally: does anyone buy stuff from bonktown/chainlove/etc.? i'm wondering what the quality of their goods usually is, if anyone knows.
Icebreaker makes fantastic 100% merino wool stuff (with a "baa code" you can see where your stuff came from), and has a fabulous return policy (365 days, full refund, no shipping charges, any reason whatsoever). Cost is about what new underarmor will run you retail, but without the stink and plastics.
Goodwill can be good too, depending on what you're looking for.
I've got some great deals on outdoorsy, not-bike-specific stuff through Campmor. sportsmansguide.com is also a good source of outdoorsy stuff.
REI is having another garage sale soon. Shoes and clothes. My have what you're looking for...
Rei gloves and socks. Got a few things from performance and chain love that I like (fox jacket for the ladder).
How do I never know about the REI garage sale? I'm a member, and I swear I'm never notified of it... So when is it?
Feb 12, 10am
http://www.rei.com/stores/101 (scroll near bottom)
so, I dont see one at settlers ridge, but next time there's one there Im going. The last garage sale we went to (in southside), a man asked if we were in line, at like 10:15 or something. We explained to him the ticket system and what not and he was shocked. He had been to settlers ridge sale the week before and so few people showed up they didn't use the ticket system.
so, I dont see one at settlers ridge, but next time there's one there Im going. The last garage sale we went to (in southside), a man asked if we were in line, at like 10:15 or something. We explained to him the ticket system and what not and he was shocked. He had been to settlers ridge sale the week before and so few people showed up they didn't use the ticket system.
The first settlers ridge sale we went to was an absolute disaster. They didn't hand out tickets, they simply let everyone they could squeeze in. People brought in their baby strollers, dogs. It was ridiculous. The south side sale is run much better.
Don't go expecting to find lots of clothes to choose from. Usually the clothes are sparce and have something seriously wrong with them. Shoes on the other hand...
stef, what ladder requires a jacket? and its a raceface jacket, not a fox jacket.
performance and rei are nice because they can stock a lot more clothing options than your average lbs. if you know what you want/need and don't need to try things on though, its hard to beat pricepoint and the occasional great deal on chainlove.
How does the ticket system work?
Go early, my husband and I got at about 8am and we're NEVER at the front of the line. Then they give out tickets (like raffle tickets with numbers on them), going from the front of the line to the back at about, uh, I'd say 9? Then at 10 they call groups of numbers, so 20 people go in, then 5 mins later 20 more go in. That's not exact, but you get the idea.
Thanks bikelove - it sounds really intense. Good to know how things work ahead of time, somehow.
bikefind - I went late (afternoon I think) to the first garage sale at the one in the South Side. All I found were exhausted employees cleaning up empty detritus of giddy sales from the wee small hours of the morning, like closing time on Black Friday.
I'm sure things have calmed down, and the ticket thing sounds great (not sure if it was in place back then), but definitely go early.
Full disclosure: the only thing I like less than spending money is shopping, so it works well for me to skip and buy online or used when I can't make do without. I hide in bed on Black Friday, and bought every xmas gift online this year.
Last time, I went around 8, got my ticket. They told me it'd probably be about 2 hrs before I could get in. So, I walked around a bit, had coffee at Big Dog, and came back just in time for my number to be called. All that & the only thing I ended up buying was a pair of smartwool gloves with a tiny snag in them for $5. It seemed like the people who camped out overnight to get discounts on camping gear made out the best. I believe this next sale will mostly be clothes, not so much big-ticket items.
I bought some fleece lined knickers on sale at swrve. They are SO warm and wonderful.
Oooh, I lust after swrve and Outlier clothing all the time.