I've started getting bolder about taking the lane at intersections. Yesterday, I very nearly got right hooked -- at low speed, in broad daylight, with me wearing my usual orange vest. I wasn't in the lane. I was just right of the paint line, stopped about 70 feet back of the front car, maybe three car lengths. I started moving when everyone else did, and just as I got into the cross street, a car started to turn into me, and would have caught my rear wheel square-on.
I bailed. There was an adjacent parking lot with no curb, so I just curly-cued into that, and pulled right back into traffic behind the last car pulling away from the light. This was at Perry Hwy at Bellevue Road, inbound, just north of the park & ride.
The 10 or so lights since then where something similar might occur, I've very visibly gotten in front of one car in line while still moving, and then gotten back over to the right when I've cleared enough of the intersection that the chances of a right hook or left cross are nil.