when are you free?
i could help you out with this.
Wrenching lessons?
So, I know the free ride options and what not, but most don't fit with my work schedule. Is there anyone out there that would be willing to teach the basics, like tuning up, pulling off and inspecting components for wear work needed and what not for craft beer and homebrew?
Between my room mate and I we both have some minor problems with our everyday rides. I don't have any tools, because I don't know where to start.
So, if craft beer and homebrew is your thing and you don't mind sharing knowledge we should work out a trade!
You might want to ask your shop mechanic if you can watch and learn for a six pack. Many of them will be quite receptive.
I have a couple papers in a box somewhere telling me I am a master mechanic. Does that count? :p
I counts.
Depending on when/where this would happen, I'd be interested too. I don't homebrew, but I can offer up homemade salsa, baked goods, and purchased beer.
I spoke to jungle dave by PM but we have nothing solid set yet.
Depending on how complex it is to organize everyone's schedule there is a possibility I could host and turn this into a small group event.
Being that it is my profession to be a DIY nerd and alcohol enthusiast, my objective is that in 4-6 hours those who want to learn will be in possession of the minimal amount of tools and know maintenance related diagnosis and repair.
Thick was doing some of these types of classes this summer
I'd also be interested. I also don't brew, but do bake. (I am also in the midst of apartment-hunting, so my schedule may not be reliable.)
If you got a problem, yo, I'll solve it..... and guide you through the repair. If anyone needs help, I will be glad to meet up. No brew needed.
My schedule is way too complicated to work around, but I'd be interested in participating. I can fill in with whatever goodies remain unspoken for, day of event.
Ice ice baby (thanks for the earworm).
I think for me, it's more about learning how to figure out what is wrong. I can look on youtube and teh interwebs for instructions for fixing things - that's how I've learned to redo my house.
But it's how to know what is broken in the first place that's confusing to me.
Example: my pink bike now has an audible "click" that I feel on my left foot every time the pedals go around. It clicks at the same point every time, and only when I am applying a certain amount of force to the pedals (hills, speeding up, etc).
How do I learn to know what is clicking? Nothing is visibly loose or wiggle-able.
You could jsut show up, either at an open shop at free ride or at Kraynicks and probably find someone to help you.
Pinky, I’m by no means a mechanic, but think about what is moving when you hear the click. Since you don’t hear it when coasting, it’s probably not the wheels. Ok, so what else is moving? The pedals and the crank. Both of these have bearings (round balls held in a cup) that could need cleaned & lubed or tightened. If you’re lucky, the ‘cup’ is still smooth meaning there is no damage. If it’s worn or grooved you may need to replace/resurface it.
The chain is also moving. Is there a pin or plate in the chain that is sticking out a little farther than the others that may be hitting something? Look for rub marks on the front and rear deraliers; pedal backwards to see if you still hear/feel the click.
Something else that’s moving is your foot. Are you using clipless pedals? Maybe a cleat is wearing out. Try riding with regular shoes and see if the click goes away.
If the click only occurs when climbing/acceleratig, that’s when the frame is most likely to flex. Is there a hairline crack in the frame? Is there a component that’s rubbing the frame when it flexes?
Most issues are solved by a process of elimination. Professionals have way more experience and their knowledge of what order to check things is far superior to the novice. But a novice has more time than the professional, so just go through the steps until you eliminate all of the possibilities, especially the ones that don’t cost any money
Thanks Marko. I will look at the things you suggested. They're platform pedals, so that eliminates that. And it always happens pedaling forwards when pushing harder with my legs. So It's sounding like I should look at the bearings.
Mick, I've thought about that, but both Free Ride and Kraynicks are very inconvenient for me to reach during their open hours. I'm basically limited to Saturdays, which are almost 100% devoted to working on my house when I'm in town. If I wait until I have a free Saturday, I'm looking at probably sometime this winter.
And apologies to Jungle Dave for completely threadjacking.
next thursday is set for the gathering.
A couple people are wanting to learn ground up rebuilds so I would like to start 2ish but I expect things to last well into the evening.
Anyone that wants to learn or hang out and help people are welcome. just PM me so i have a vague idea of a number and i will pass my address.
Bring whatever tools you have and a container to keep small parts organized.
Consumables like rags. degreaser.and lubercants of all flavors would be quite helpful.
If it develops into food and drinks i am open to that as well. maybe even a group ride after?
ciao p.leon
Social wrenching sessions with refreshments is a genius idea.
Thursday I'm booked, but if these continue, please keep posting on the board so I can hopefully join one or more.
@pinky, check that any screws on the pedal, like those shown below are tight,
Edit: next thursday!
i am using my phone to compose. oops
I'll throw in a plug for the Thursday evening bike repair for the kids on the North Side. Go over to the park on the SW corner of East Ohio St and Cedar Ave, and look for an SUV with a bunch of bikes and kids. Mostly what he needs is more hands, and anything you need, be it parts, tools, or info, will be five feet away. Learn by doing. A lot of the time it's simple stuff like brake handles, tubes, cables, but every once in a while there's something that needs more help. Just learning to triage is often half the battle.
according to the link that program ended in mid june.
it is a good idea to volunteer but even the largest program free ride is spotty at best. it has been two years and counting with no call for volunteer hours. my housemate even got half of his parts with no call back to do the hours he owes recently.
i have many issues with the way that place is run. it is a good idea but poorly executed in my experience.
FYI the north side thing isn't part of freeride.
yep. aware.
I was agreeing with the idea of learning by volunteering. Which free ride is dreadful at offering
And since this thread is so off topic:
Does anyone have a 19t cog I can borrow?
I mean, pretty much everything I know about bike maintenance is stuff I learned at Free Ride (or stuff I read on the Internet). It's not a lot, but it's not nothing, and I learned it either while volunteering or by taking classes in exchange for volunteer hours. There are organizational issues, but I don't know that they're truly dreadful at offering the "learning by volunteering" thing
And more on-topic, I'm off on Thursday... depending on how much I feel like avoiding non-bike-related responsibilities, I might join you guys. Sounds like fun.
Next Thursday!
Right now I have 5 confirmed and hopefully growing.
I like faun, and non-complicated threads.
PM if interested
back off topic:
I have three bikes to donate
(well almost complete bikes)
In my profession scrap guys drop by often with abandons and I have began to collect them.
I will stop at free ride in a few days to drop them off and re-re-re sign up to volunteer.
So I decrease their level of dreadful to semiconclusively dreadful and will keep ya posted.
I also need a 19t cog to try out.
74.6 gear inches is not working for me.
I would also like some skittles.
Cool. I'm off every Thursday. (Grad student life is treating me well for once.) I'll see how things go and possibly PM you between now and then.
I've never signed up to volunteer at Free Ride — I just show up on Monday nights from time to time.
I don't have a 19t, nor do I have any Skittles But if I come next Thursday, I'll bring some Skittles to trade for bike knowledge
I know, Right?
And how did you know that I refuse to buy anything that can't be paid for in WOW gold.
@Pinky I had that same problem several months ago. For me, it turned out that removing the problem pedal, greasing the attachment bolt and replacing it fixed the problem.
Performance bicycle in east liberty does free clinics twice a month and you can ask anything you want. Give them a call