I have a crappy old huffy (my beater bike) that had a front wheel stolen earlier this summer. It's just collecting rust now. If you can find parts you want, you can collect the parts you want (or the whole carcass) any time. email me for more information -- you have the email address. Sara
WTB parts bike
I could really use a parts bike. Bike #1 has a dead derailleur. Bike #2 has a bent (27") rim. Bike #3 has self-shattering, styrene plastic shift levers.
Anyone out there with an old scrapper they wouldn't mind parting with? The remnants will go to Free Ride. Thanks in advance!
You ever get this stuff? I can give you a derailleur and stem shift levers if you want them. A bunch of fixed/SS conversions have let me with a bunch.
You know the Jeff Foxworthy one-liner? "If you have six cars in your yard, and none of them work, then you just might be a redneck." Change cars to bikes, and there I am.
Yes, I got a really nice frame from Sara; it's actually a better bike than the one I'm fixing. I'm stymied, though, by time and (lack of) tools and lighting.
Yeah, I can probably use the shift levers the most, and brake handles. Maybe one derailleur. Mainly I need tools to string new cables. Everything's rusty.
And an electrical line from the house to the carport, and... and... and... (sigh)