I see bikes that fit this description every day on Craigslist. Are you looking there?
WTB: road or commuter bike 50-54cm
I'm moving to NYC at the end of the summer and my PGH bike is getting re-po'ed, so I'm looking for a replacement runabout bike. I'll be using it for cruising around the neighborhood, and the occasional 7-8 mile ride to school.
Specs: road or commuter bike, 50-54cm (I'm 5'7" and mostly torso), multi-speed preferred. Trying to keep it below $100. Thanks much in advance.
2009-06-22 02:14:34
2009-06-22 16:15:31
If you can bring a bike with you, probably look for bikes in the Pittsburgh market; New York seems like a higher-priced market.
This bike looks solid & pre-commuterized, but may be big:
2009-06-23 00:28:15
2009-06-23 17:09:14
Thanks for the tips, folks. I'll keep an eye on Craigslist.
2009-06-25 22:15:49