WTB (small womens) road bike with these specs
hey- im moving to oakland in april so i am looking for a good cheap commuting bike to go to/from class, grocery market, etc.
im looking for either
a) who has this or b) who is willing to build this.
-Schwinn (not required, just thought I'd add that.)
-small frame urban/road bicycle to fit my stature (I'm 5'2; so around 47cm or 18.5")
-drop-handle bars
-cargo rack on back wheel
I'm looking to spend, at most, 100. I can maybe stretch to 150 depending.
and i think thats about it. hope you can help with my bike quest!
awesome, thanks i will definitely check it out!
seg, just a heads up: free ride will have limited hours this winter (it's cold in the shop and we need a break after summer/fall), but if you come in during the early spring we can explain how you can build your own bike. check the website for updates.
i can't really tell what size this bike actually is but I was trying to find an excuse to buy it... you could probably talk him down a bit if it fits you.