how heavy is that bike?
Yarn Bombed Bike Rack
Saw a curious thing today; maybe it's been there for a long time, I don't get onto Butler Street that often. But I saw a Bike Rack that had been "yarn bombed" a few doors down from Espresso A Mano.
Instead of my bike having to scratch up against a coarse and frozen bike rack, my bike was welcome with a warm and soft bike rack.
33 pounds with the racks, but without the bags and bottles. Probably 75 pounds as she sits. I really like this bike.
And the sidewalk already was cracked before we rode on it. Cheers, V.
I love your bike, gives me a visceral response. The term "dreadnought" comes to mind. Heavy armor, big guns, fear nothing. Yes, seems right.
that rack is crafty... not sure how one would do it without spending a significant amount of time sitting there futsing with yarn in the cold. Unless there are fasteners I don't see. That's a Hard Core Knitter. Props to the crafty.
And I third the "your bike is awesome". Makes me want to bike across the country.
I think sometimes they knit the sleeves elsewhere then just lace them closed on the rack on site.
the knitting generally happens off-site, creating sheets of the fabric and then it is sewn together with the yarn on-site.
Yeah, knitting that directly onto the rack would be very very difficult.
Im more amazed at how much stuff is on your bike.
I think the yarn's been there a few months, at least. Unless there's more than one like that.
I've seen a few.
Two stems AND aero bars! Not messing around.
That bike has been "parts and accessories bombed."
But it is awesome.
thank you for your kind words.
It is, possibly, a manifestation of my self-image: sturdy, robust, over-tweaked, overweight, comfortable, and a demonstration of inertia.
Wow. Brain. Cannot. Process. Everything. On. Bike.
75 lbs? Are there lead ingots in that yellow bag?
It looks like that yellow bag is not quite big enough to hold a folding bike, as a spare. I'm a little disappointed.