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Yehuda Moon

Here's where you post your favs.

I always seem to fire mine from the side.

2009-04-10 15:08:09

Yeah, I'm pretty amazed at how fast little pebbles shoot out from under high pressure tires. I'm also waiting for a motorist to chase me down one day....

2009-04-10 15:46:23

I've conditioned myself to not flinch when I'm filtering past cars and hear the unmistakeable *spwak* of a minty-fresh panel getting plinked.

Jedi mind trick... I didn't just ruin your paint....

My fav: Correct Backdrop.

2009-04-10 18:23:25

oh, how sad, this just in today: I regret that this will be the last day of 'Yehuda Moon' for a while. I ran out of time and can't continue with the comic. Thank you to all who read and shared and contributed to the comic. You are amazing and your support and enthusiasm for bicycling and bicycles is thrilling. I'll be stopping all current PayPal monthly subscriptions for you by April 12, 2009. See you down the road.

2009-04-12 21:31:37

comin' back!

Yehuda Moon returns June 17, 2009. Dailies will run Monday through Saturday featuring Yehuda and the whole gang at the Kickstand. A fuller Sunday strip will run as well, featuring Joe King. More details shortly.

I will likely fill in the blank dates if I find time along the way (and maybe even a few before the restart date).

2009-05-19 16:07:48


2009-05-19 17:10:09

Yehuda Moon is back. And with a Rain Cape punchline no less.

Also, on another front, the Washington Post says Portland is out, and Pittsburgh is in.

2012-01-04 05:52:12

Oh crap, Pgh is in. Close the inbound Parkways. Never mind, they're all clogged up anyway.

I find the constant representation of yinzers as "pragmatic" to be complete nonsense. When a huge component of your identity is the fetishization of professional sports, I hardly call that pragmatic. It's probably just that Portland's fabricated and affected overeducated, underemployed, lowbrow aesthetic has been out-lowbrowed by yinzers actual lowbrow and willful un-enlightened-ness.

2012-01-04 12:49:27

I'm confused... I thought the strip was being retired with the kickstarter books.

2012-01-04 15:41:02

When a huge component of your identity is the fetishization of professional sports, I hardly call that pragmatic.


2012-01-04 16:29:07

Those cultured Europeans are so much better than us ignorant Americans and our football addiction.

2012-01-04 17:12:04


2012-01-04 18:23:37

I can't wait for someone from Portland to find this thread and start to defend their fair city

2012-01-04 18:33:52

The dream of the 90's is alive in Portland.

Portlandia season 2 starts like... now. Sometime this month. I got season 1 for xmas from the dear hubby. It took him 4 episodes, but he finally figured it out. Then he put a bird on it.

The dream of the 90's is alive in Portland.

I can't get behind Steeler Nation, I just don't get it. I also don't get Manchester United, the Canadiens, the Japanese obsession with baseball, or the Indian obsession with cricket (honestly, I don't understand cricket at all, it sounds like they're just making up words). We don't have a monopoly on extreme pro sports team fanatics. We're just at one of many epicenters of obsession.

2012-01-04 20:21:25

Yes, just to be clear, my comment was in no way intended to single out American footballery. In fact, the fan-atics at the top of my leader board in the dip-shittery playoffs is anyone who chases a Tour rider on foot up a col.

2012-01-04 21:40:20

...while dressed in a Borat mankini.

2012-01-04 22:02:08

Unless its the devil. He gets a pass.

2012-01-05 01:41:26

I thought they banned him from the Tour last year because he tested positive

2012-01-05 14:46:21

I am planning a trip to Portland this summer....canceling now and just staying home. :)

Yehuda Moon is pretty good.

2012-01-05 14:54:06

BTW, Portlandia S.2 starts tomorrow night, Fri., 10:00 pm.

2012-01-05 15:06:53

Vaguely related: I didn't even know Portlandia existed, but I did read that Carrie Brownstein is totally an "it" girl (or is that grrl?) because of it.

2012-01-05 15:16:32


2012-01-08 18:47:03