its going to be so awesome when this exists. when i go to other cities and see signs like that i seethe with jealousy
Your input needed for the City's Bike Route and Signage Plan
What will Pittsburgh’s bicycle route signage point to? Where should it be? We need your help!
Hey ya'll - it would be keen if you could spend a few minutes (or more) contributing to this map for the Bike Route and Signage Plan. In short, the City is planning to install bike wayfinding signs to help us get between neighborhoods and attractions on the best bike routes available, as they are often different than the car routes. from there, the idea is to improve these routes for bicycles.
the map is a little awkward, but it's kinda fun after you get used to it. make sure to read the instructions.
can't wait to see what this looks like after yinz take hold of it.
The Bicycle Route and Signage Plan will create a network of signed on-street bike routes that will help guide cyclists between neighborhoods and attractions. Based on BikePGH’s Pittsburgh Bike Map, it will also help inform the City where on-street bicycle improvements, like bike lanes and sharrows, should be located.
More info:
I'd like to see a meeting of the minds between Public Works, Public Safety and Bike-PGH on 'complete street' routes within the city. Such that, in all seasons and weather conditions, there will exist a primary network of smooth, clear, safe streets for all forms of transport: bike, pedestrian, passenger vehicle, etc.
Considering the limitations of the city in the winter months, I worry that we'll be left with bike signage useful only during the summer.
Are we talking "on the street to get to the trail", "on the trail to get to the street", or "everything goes"?
stu, anything goes. although these will mostly be placed on city streets as there is a bit of a moratorium on new signage on the trails
I tried editing the map, and didn't figure out how exactly it worked the first time I made a marker. Unfortunately, I can't edit the marker, or delete it. Anyway we could get that enabled?
Log out and Log back in. That seems to let you edit.
Cool, all fixed. Thanks RoadKillen!
someone did a grad project @ CMU on this like two years ago... i don't know if you're into seeking out input but he put a lot of work into it and could maybe give you some insight... lemme know if you want his email
the basis of his project as i remember it was making color coded ring roads throughout the city that basically stuck to safe roads of similar elevations, with connectors between the on the most reasonable hills...
All I want is one block of contraflow on Friendship to get between St Claire and Meade.
? Friendship isn't one way (well, there's the loop around the park, but that's a ways from St Clair, and scarcely a hardship.) And Meade St is in North Pt Breeze, not Friendship. I'm confused. Oh, do you mean the end of Friendship right at Penn Circle? Yeah, some kind of contraflow right there could make it a lot easier for bikes to get to Whole Foods & "Eastside"
But I am afraid of how that would be extended to the return direction. That intersection of Penn Circle and Baum has enough different directions as it is without adding yet another one.
Questions about using the map should go to the contact on the site, not us.
The city hired them as a consultant to help develop this signange plan.
We're acting in an advisory role and outreach
Lyle - yeah, that's what I'm talking about- that last block before Penn Circle. Currently, I go down St Clair, and then make a left onto Baum. Unfortunately, that left is a PITA during rush hour, because there's no stop sign or light there, and the flow of traffic on Baum is pretty steady. The next best thing is to use South Negley, but if I'm going to wait through all of those extra lights, I may as well just wait at the end of St Clair and hope that I get lucky.
I'm not sure why my brain coughed up "Meade" there.
I know JZ, your brain was thinking "biking to tasty, healthy food" and jumped from Whole Foods to East End Food Co-op instead.
That map is a pain to edit but I did manage to add a route based on my daily ride.
I slightly prefer the street one block up (Atlantic?) over St Clair, but yeah, same thing.
The map takes a bit of getting used to. Adding points is easier than routes. I added a bunch, but there is a ton of stuff missing if people wanted to contribute.
It helps, like RoadKillen said, to log out/log in after you make your first point, then you are allowed to edit stuff again.
Top!! the public meeting is this week:
Public Open House
* Thursday, September 23, 2010, 5-8pm
* Kingsley Center, 6435 Frankstown Ave, East Liberty
Facebook event page:!/event.php?eid=139544316088731&index=1
I often get confused going up Negley or Highland and forget how to get to wind my way through the park to get to going downhill past the zoo. I don't think it's all that complicated, but I mess this up more often than I get it right, both on bike and driving. Driving, fine, I waste a minute and two ounces of gasoline, but it takes a good bit longer to correct a wrong turn at bike speeds. Just a couple of simple "Zoo -->" signs near the top end of both streets would help.
Now that I know the Eliza's in Jail Trail starts on Grant, I don't have so much of a personal problem finding it, but I have gotten horribly lost downtown trying to find it. And from downtown, I'd have no idea how to get to the other trails - or from Trail to Trail - unless I'd done it before with other people. Luckily I like exploring and don't mind pacing one riverbank or another wondering "yes but how do I get over *there*?" Especially when to cross a river you need to head inland. But signs could help all that.
All that's a bit too general to add to a map, and I wouldn't know where other people might look (I might just be missing signs that are already there anyway!). Just thoughts - sometimes people aren't just on the trails to travel the 2-6 miles of trail, sometimes it's just one leg of a journey.
edited to add - the map's already choc-a-block with ideas anyway, additional chaos per my confusion isn't needed. I'm excited to see what happens!
I saw this sign downtown (and a few others like it) recently--when did they get installed? Did I just miss it until this week?
I like these, but I think I'd like them more if they had mileage and estimated travel times on them (like the Portland example posted above), and/or routing information (Station Square via Smithfield Street Bridge; South Side via 10th Street Bridge).
They just got installed last Tuesday or Wednesday.
these aren't necessarily the project referenced above. it's more of a guide to help people who wander off the trail because the mon wharf isn't connected.
The above citywide project got funding in place, but it's not clear when they will be able to access the funding yet.
Ah I saw these last week and meant to post a picture and ask if the right hand lane might become sharrowed sometime soon along with the new signs.
I was in Homestead a few weeks ango and there was a couple from the GAP who were lost. (Of course, there couldn't have been signs to cut through the various wayfares that got them to the Southside trail.)
When we got to the Hot metal Bridtge, I started being aware of how hard it would be to get around if you didn't know the bike trail and just how many signs would be needed to make bike travel feasible for a newcomer to town. There should probably be about 5 or 6 signs at each end of the HMB.