Volume 3, Issue 2 – February 8, 2004
“A Newsletter Published by Bike Pittsburgh to establish Pittsburgh as a city that is increasingly safe, accessible, and friendly to bicycle transportation.”
In This Issue:
* 2nd Annual Meet ‘n Greet
* Local Cyclist Killed By DUI Driver
* Gathering Statistics for Bicycle Accidents
* Be Part of the 2005 Cycle & Recycle Calendar
* 4th Annual Bicycle Film Festival in New York
* Pedal Pittsburgh Seeks Part-Time Assistant
* Upcoming Events
* Pitt Stops
Bike Pittsburgh has a very exciting and busy year planned for 2004 and we want to share it with you over good food, drinks, and the chance to meet fellow cyclists and supporters of Bike Pittsburgh! If you’re reading this message, you’re invited! This year’s Meet ‘n Greet will be at Free Ride’s new location in Point Breeze. We’ll be promoting our current projects, looking for fresh ideas, detailing Volunteer needs (it’s how we get EVERYTHING done!), and bragging about some of our accomplishments. Come out and meet the faces of the folks that are part of the cycling revolution in Pittsburgh!
Event Day: Friday, February 20th
Event Location: 214 North Lexington Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15208 (Point Breeze)
Event Time: 6:30pm until ???
Cost: $FREE
Need directions? Email (info@bike-pgh.org)
On the evening of January 27th, a local cyclist, Robert Hemelrick, was struck and killed by a DUI motorist in Homewood. Reportedly, the driver of the Ford Expedition SUV that struck Hemelrick will be charged. Bike Pittsburgh has posted links to publicly available information on this tragedy in the “In The News” section of the Bike Pittsburgh website.
Further updates will be posted to the website and this newsletter, when available.
A local student is gathering statistics and would like to talk to anyone who has been involved in a bike accident in the past year. This work will ultimately lead to an article to be published about a perceived increase in bicycle-automobile accients in recent months. As many of these accidents go unreported, it is extremely important that these statistics are gathered; publicly available records to not accurately reflect the numbers and types of bicycle-automobile accidents that happen in the Pittsburgh region.
Please contact Michael via email at: (michael@spiderking.com) or telephone at: (412) 721-1458. If Michael doesn’t answer the telephone, please leave a message and he will get back to you.
Attention photographers! The Editors of the annual cross-cultural wall calendar, “Cycle & Recycle”, would welcome outstanding photos from Pittsburgh for the 2005 edition. These are needed now! Submissions for the 2005 edition will be accepted for only a few more weeks. In addition, if you’ve got photos of the new Bike and Blade Station Downtown, or of the wind mills out east, please send them in! For guidelines and a sample calendar, call Co-Editor John Dowlin at: (215) 222-1253 or email: (cyclerecycle@hotmail.com).
The Bicycle Film Festival is a celebration of bicycles and those who ride them through film, arts and music. The Festival embraces all the various bike subcultures. The 4th Annual Bicycle Film Festival will be held May 13th through 16th to coincide with New York City’s Bike Month. The BFF has featured short and feature-length films from around the world, including: Australia, Bangladesh, Hungary and, New York City. Perhaps Pittsburgh will be added to this list?
The deadline for entries is February 17th. For more information and an entry form, visit: (www.bicyclefilmfestival.com).
The Community Design Center of Pittsburgh (www.cdcp.org) is currently looking for part-time help to assist with Pedal Pittsburgh (www.pedalpittsburgh.org) – one of the Pittsburgh Region’s premier cycling events. Full details on this position can be found on the Bike Pittsburgh website in the “Community & Classifieds area. In the Classifieds Ads, look in the “Help Wanted” section.
March 7th – Trail Maintenance for Mountain Bikers – Moraine State Park
This event is co-sponsored by The Western Pennslyvania Field Institute (www.wpfi.org), Dirt Rag Magazine (www.dirtragmag.com), and PTAG (Pittsburgh Trails Advocacy Group). Learn how to properly maintain sustainable trails that will weather heavy use by bikers, hikers, and equestrians. Dirt Rag Magazine and Pittsburgh Trails Advocacy Group (PTAG) will serve as crew leaders. Come prepared to get dirty while having fun and learning. Work gloves and additional tools welcome.
Event Day: Sunday, March 7th
Event Location: Moriane State Park
Event Time: 10:00am – 4:00pm
Cost: $FREE! – Just bring your willingess to work!
March 11th-May 7th – Woman’s Cross-Country Southern Tour
Check it out! A spring cross-country Southern bike trip from San Diego, CA to St. Augustine, FL. the trip begins March 11th and ends May 7th, 2004. Designed for women 50 and older. There are 10 bikeless days built in. Stay in hotels and Ben & Breakfeasts. Complete information may be found at: (www.womantours.com).
Event Days: March 11th – May 7th
Event Location: San Diego, CA to St. Augustine, FL
This section of The Bike Pittsburgh Leader is dedicated to identifying local establishments that have made a committment to cyclists.
This Issue’s Pitt Stop is: Gatto Cycle & Fitness – Three locations in the Pittsburgh Region! On the web at: http://bicycle.gattocycle.com
Pittsburgh: 7501 Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15208
Telephone: (412) 731-9200 | Fax: (412) 731-9228
Tarentum: 117 East Seventh Avenue, Tarentum, PA 15084
Telephone: (724) 224-0500 | Fax: (724) 224-5610
Wexford: 639 Wexford Bayne Road, Route 910, Wexford, PA 15090
Telephone: (724) 934-9330 | Fax: (724) 934-5877
Post the miles that you ride on the Bike Pittsburgh website in the Community & Classifieds area! Just send us your monthly mileage, and if you want your name to be available as an email link to: miles@bike-pgh.org
Bike Pittsburgh is Western Pennsylvania’s only cycling advocacy, awareness, and safety organization. We rely on your support for many of our activies and initiatives. You can help us to continually transform the Pittsburgh Region into a better place to cycle by becoming a Full Member starting at $25 per year ($15 for Students). With your tax-deductible Membership Donation you will receive a Membership Card good for discounts with participating organizations that share Bike Pittsburgh’s vision, priority invitations and/or discounts to special Bike Pittsburgh-sponsored events, and the satisfaction that you really are helping to make a difference for all of us. For complete details, go to the Bike Pittsburgh website and click on the Become A Member! section.
“The Bike Pittsburgh Leader” is an electronic newsletter published about every three weeks. Previous issues of “The Bike Pittsburgh Leader” can be found on the Bike Pittsburgh website in the section called “The Leader”. Bike Pittsburgh, Inc. does not rent, sell, or make available any personal information, including email addresses, that you may send to Bike Pittsburgh. If you would like to be removed from the distribution list, simply email: remove@bike-pgh.org and request to be removed. movies adult babygere movies ashlynmovie tit bigdanish sex moviesfake celeb moviesfree butt movies bigcumshot huge movies freedownload free movies porn Map