Volume 3, Issue 5 – May 2, 2004
“A Newsletter Published by Bike Pittsburgh to establish Pittsburgh as a city that is increasingly safe, accessible, and friendly to bicycle transportation.”
In This Issue:
* It’s Bike To Work Week!
* East End Food Co-op 1% Wednesday, May 26th
* TEA-21 6-Year Renewal Approved by House
* Pedal Pittsburgh May 16th!
* Volunteers/Ride Guides Needed For Pedal Pittsburgh
* Fort Duquesne Bike/Ped Access Closed
* Upcoming Events
* National Bike Tour Comes to Pittsburgh: Riders Wanted
Get out of your car and in to the sunshine! Bike Pittsburgh and our Free Ride! project, along with Venture Outdoors (www.ventureoutdoors.org) and Friends of the Riverfront (www.friendsoftheriverfront.org) have teamed up to provide some great events to help you get to work on your bike. Full details can be found on the Bike Pittsburgh website: http://www.bike-pgh.org. Just click on the graphic on the Home Page and you’ll find complete information!
For starters, our Free Ride! shop will be open every evening from 6:00pm until 10:00pm May 10th through 14th to help you get your bike back in proper working order. Our Free Ride! shop is open to anyone; we’ll show you how to do the repairs yourself!
On May 17th, 18th, and 19th, we are holding “Park ‘N Pedal” events. Park you car in one of three locations outside of Downtown and take an easy, and in most cases, car-free ride in to town on the riverfront trails. As an added bonus, participants in the Park ‘N Pedal events will get a coupon good for a free beer at the Tiki Lounge on the South Side!
A complimentary breakfast of fruit, bagels, and coffee (graciously provided by Friend of the Riverfront) will be served on Friday, May 21st, at the portico of the City-County building to all cyclists who commute in to town.
Come on out and join the growing number of people that are choosing to beat the congestion, increased parking fees, and hassle of commuting Downtown!
Spread the word! The East End Food Co-op (http://eastendfoodcoop.org) will contribute 1% of all purchases made on Wednesday, May 26th to Bike Pittsburgh! This is a great chance to visit the Co-op, while helping to support better cycling here in Pittsburgh.
Bike Pittsburgh will be staffing a table at the Co-op on May 26th. If you would like to help us hand out information, please contact Lou Fineberg via email at: (lou@bike-pgh.org).
The Surface Transportation Policy Project (http://transact.org) provides the following update on TEA-21:
“…the U.S. House of Representatives approved its TEA-21 renewal bill (H.R. 3550), providing $275 billion in federal funding for highways, bridges, transit and safety programs over six years. Of this total, about $51.5 billion is guaranteed for transit programs, $217 billion for highway programs and the remaining funds for certain research, safety and other activities.
For STPP President Anne Canby’s statement on the legislation, please go to: (http://www.transact.org/news.asp?id=45
The full House of Representatives approved H.R. 3550 on a 357-65 vote, despite the Bush Administration’s clear statement of opposition to the bill, objections that focused on the bill’s funding level and provisions that forcing Congress to “reopen” the law and raise additional funds next year. For the Administration’s Statement of Policy on H.R. 3550, go to: (http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/legislative/sap/108-2/hr3550sap-h.pdf)”
TEA-21 has provided important Federal funding that has made bicycle project and improvements possible. For more information on TEA-21, visit: (http://tea21.org).
Pedal Pittsburgh is the region’s premier cycling event celebrating design, health & fitness, and urban lifestyles. This fun, educational bicycle ride draws over 2,000 riders annually, and highlights the neighborhoods and design landmarks that make Pittsburgh unique. A ride, not a race, Pedal Pittsburgh offers a variety of course options ranging from 15 to 60 miles to accommodate everyone from recreational riders to hard-core fitness enthusiasts.
Whether you’re a native of Pittsburgh or new to the region, join us on May 16 for Pedal Pittsburgh 2004 to learn more about what makes Pittsburgh special. This year’s ride will feature examples of the built environment – buildings, neighborhoods, parks and trails – throughout the City that highlight the role of design in strengthening communities and shaping the future of the region.
Proceeds from the event benefit the Community Design Center of Pittsburgh (www.cdcp.org). The CDCP is a non-profit organization that improves the quality of life in the Pittsburgh region by encouraging good design of the built environment. CDCP does this by investing in strategic projects, helping individuals and communities access architecture and planning resources, and educating the public about the impact of design.
For complete details on this great ride, visit: (www.pedalpittsburgh.org).
Pedal Pittsburgh (www.pedalpittsburgh.org) is looking to fill nearly 200 volunteer positions for Pedal Pittsburgh on Sunday, May 16th! There are a variety of tasks to choose from, such as pre-registration, registration, lunch set up, ride guides and course marshals. If you are interested in volunteering for this charitable event, please contact Tara Merenda via phone at: (412) 391-4144 or via email at: (tmerenda@cdcp.org).
The Fort Duquesne Bridge bike/pedestrian walkway has been closed for maintenance and painting until November 15th, 2004. Riders are encouraged to use the 6th or 7th Street bridges to bike into Downtown from the North Side.
May 6th-9th – IMBA Comes to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania!
This event is sponsored by the International Mountiain Biking Association (IMBA) (www.imba.com). The International Mountain Bicycling Association is coming to Pittsburgh, PA, May 6-9, and you’re invited to join in the special events. This visit features an IMBA Trailbuilding School, trailwork, and a group ride. This is your opportunity to rub shoulders with the IMBA crew while learning all about trailbuilding.
Get your hands dirty and learn how to build sustainable and fun singletrack. The school includes three hours of classroom instruction followed by hands-on time in the field learning trailbuilding techniques. Topics include designing a contour trail, controlling water flow, building effective trail structures, and routine trail maintenance.
The fieldwork will be hands-on trailbuilding, so come prepared. You’ll probably be most comfortable in long pants and a long-sleeved shirt. Wear sturdy shoes and bring water, snacks, work gloves, sunscreen, and a hat. If you have any trailbuilding tools–pulaskis, McLeods, rakes, picks, hoes, shovels–please bring them, too.
Hartwood County Park, Pittsburgh
200 Hartwood Acres, Pittsburgh, PA 15238
Telephone: (412) 767-9200
For directions: (www.county.allegheny.pa.us/parks/parkphon.asp)
Saturday, May 8th
9:00am – 12:00pm: Classroom Session Concert Stage (enter via Middle Road)
12:00pm – 1:00pm: Bring your own lunch
1:00pm – 5:00pm: Fieldwork
Sunday, May 9th
9:00am – 1:00pm: Fieldwork
1:00pm – 2:00pm: Bring your own lunch
2:00pm: Group Ride – Bring your bike to join the Crew for a ride around Hartwood Hills!
For more information and to register, contact Karl Rosengarth at: (412) 767-5021 or: (karl@keystonetrails.org).
May 16th – Moraine State Park Mountain Bike Trail Maintenance
This event is sponsored by and benefits The Pittsburgh Trails Advocacy Group (PTAG). Meet at 10:00am at the Mountain Bike Trail Head parking lot in Morain State Park. Bring tools (shovels, steel bar for rock moving, bow saws, water, and lunch. If you have a chainsaw, please call ahead to get approval for use.
For more information, contact David Biber via telephone at: (412) 761-7973 or via email at: (dbiber@andrew.cmu.edu).
Event Day: Sunday, May 16th
Event Location: Moraine State Park
Event Time: 10:00am
Cost: $FREE! – Just bring your willingness to work!
May 22nd – Bike Around The Bay
This event is sponsored by and benefits Lake Erie-Allegheny Earth Force (www.earthforce.org), a non-profit with offices in Pittsburgh and Erie. Those who enjoy biking and care about the environment will find Bike Around the Bay a perfect way to connect both. Proceeds support programming that enables young people to become engaged in environmental problem solving in their own communities.
The bike route will begin at the Liberty Park Pepsi Amphitheatre on the Bayfront Parkway and continue through scenic Presque Isle Bay, Presque Isle State Park and to Elk Creek. All rides begin and finish at Liberty Park, west of Dobbins Landing off the Bayfront Parkway. After your ride, enjoy a picnic buffet, gift auction and bike raffle at Liberty Park.
Tours available in 8, 25, and 50 mile lengths. Registration by May 10th: Individuals – $15.00, Families – $25.00. Group Rates Available (Scouts, Churches, Youth Groups, etc.) Call (814) 899-2572 to make arrangements. Registration on May 22: Individuals – $20.00, Families – $30.00.
The Erie Area Safe Kids Coalition is willing to provide bike helmets for participants at $8.00 each – sizes toddler through adult. Because these need to be fitted to the wearer and must be ordered in advance, requests should be made as early as possible. Call: (814) 451-7871 for further information.
For more information and a registration form, see: (www.earthforce.org/lea).
Event Day: Saturday, May 22nd
Event Location: Liberty Park, Erie
Event Time: Onsite Registration begins at 8:00am, Rides begin at 9:00am
Cost: Individuals – $15.00, Families – $25.00, group rates available.
May 22nd – Fourth Annual Venture Outdoors (2004)!
This event is sponsored by Venture Outdoors (www.ventureoutdoors.org). Mark your calendars for May 22nd! You may have participated last year, but in case you didn’t, the Festival is free to the public and is a great chance to sample the many outdoor activities available in our area. A family friendly event, the Festival has many activities including speakers, live music, free giveaways and more! As a vendor or exhibitor, you will have the great opportunity to sell your products, distribute information about your organization, and meet a lot of outdoor enthusiasts just like you!
Event Day: Saturday, May 22nd
Event Location: North Shore by the Steelers’ Quay
Event Time: 10:00am – 5:00pm
Cost: $FREE!
From coast to coast, bicyclists are taking the annual National Bicycle Greenway (www.bikeroute.com) challenge! The NBG is an organization attempting to create a nationwide network of interconnected bike roads and pathways and increase awareness of the bicycle as a valid and desirable mode of transportation. The NBG’s 2004 “Mayors’ Ride” is a relay bicycle trip offering many choices for the participating adventurers. Riders can follow the whole relay route or pedal in any one of the different legs of the relay.
Here in Pittsburgh, Venture Outdoors (www.ventureoutdoors.org), a nonprofit organization that encourages outdoor activities, is partnering with Mayor Tom Murphy and his Office to coordinate the Washington D.C. to Pittsburgh leg of the 2004 Mayors’ Ride. Venture Outdoors is looking for adventurous people to join the ride and help promote and expand NBG’s belief that with a unifying vision of our own, we can show Americans that our lives can be built around a transportation infrastructure that INCLUDES bicycles. Riders will leave D.C. on July 2nd and arrive in Pittsburgh on the 9th. The ride is unsupported, meaning you must provide all your own gear and your own bike. Riders are also responsible for food and lodging costs, but joining the trip is completely free.
When the Mayors’ Tour pedaled into Pittsburgh last summer, many supporters, together with representatives from the Mayor’s Office, came out to welcome them to the city. Michael Sobkowiak, Director of Communications at Venture Outdoors, hosted the group on their visit to the Pittsburgh. He says of the experience, “It was so nice to see the riders arriving in Pittsburgh after finishing such a great feat and spreading NBG’s message. All in all, the looks of pure triumph and exhilaration on each of their faces revealed it was a great experience for all of them.”
To join in on the biking action, there are a few basics each rider should know. First, everyone participating should be in excellent health and ready for a ride that will be challenging and strenuous at some times, undemanding and tranquil at others, but always insistent of commitment, hard work and dedication. Riders also should have some bicycle touring experience. While you must provide your own gear and bike, NBG will be happy to help you choose what gear to bring. The riding route will take bikers along the C & O Trail, which later connects to the beautiful Great Allegheny Passage Trail. Both these paths will allow riders to view beautiful scenery and will reinforce NBG’s mission to enable bikers to journey from one major city to another while enjoying nature and traveling safely.
Tom Murphy and his office, along with Venture Outdoors hope that many bikers will partner with us and NBG to spread their message and expand awareness of their cause. Riders interested in the D.C. to Pittsburgh leg of the tour, or any other leg, can call Michael Sobkowiak at: (412) 255-0564. More information about NBG and the Mayors’ Ride can also be found on the NBG website: (www.bikeroute.com).
Post the miles that you ride on the Bike Pittsburgh website in the Community & Classifieds area! Just send us your monthly mileage, and if you want your name to be available as an email link to: miles@bike-pgh.org
Become A Member! Bike Pittsburgh is Western Pennsylvania’s only cycling advocacy, awareness, and safety organization. We rely on your support for many of our activies and initiatives. You can help us to continually transform the Pittsburgh Region into a better place to cycle by becoming a Member starting at $25 per year ($15 for Students). With your tax-deductible Membership Donation you will receive a Membership Card good for discounts with participating organizations that share Bike Pittsburgh’s vision, priority invitations and/or discounts to special Bike Pittsburgh-sponsored events, and the satisfaction that you really are helping to make a difference for all of us. For complete details, go to the Bike Pittsburgh website: http://www.Bike-Pgh.org and click on the Become A Member! section.
“The Bike Pittsburgh Leader” is an electronic newsletter published about every three weeks. Previous issues of “The Bike Pittsburgh Leader” can be found on the Bike Pittsburgh website in the section called “The Leader”. Bike Pittsburgh, Inc. does not rent, sell, or make available any personal information, including email addresses, that you may send to Bike Pittsburgh. If you would like to be removed from the distribution list, simply email: remove@bike-pgh.org and request to be removed. cent 50 ringtone newmp3 ringtone team aringtones affiliatefree ringtone site 1 sprint fordownloads 100 ringtone freeringtone for 2 cingular freeabsoluteley ringtones freeabsolutlely ringtones free Mappornstar angelstarangie porno everhartangie porn fresnoangie porn savage3d porn angleporn angleangry sex pornporn aniaml Map