Port Authority wants out of Wabash Tunnel

Joe Grata reported this story on Saturday…

The Port Authority board of directors yesterday (Friday, October 28th) directed its staff to come up with a “definitive exit strategy” within two months to rid the agency of responsibility for the tunnel that functions as a high-occupancy-vehicle facility for weekday rush hours but is available to anyone at other times.

Link to story

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  • The lack of a “definitive exist strategy” has been plaguing this Port Authority since before they dragged us into this tunnel – under manufactured and false pretenses, as we all now know. Early reports of the development and proliferation VMTs (Vehicles of Mass Transit) have been greatly exaggerated – if not fabricated outright, all to support this PAT-led tunnel invasion, and the larger war on traffic congestion.


  • Soupie says:

    Has anyone ridden through this in its current state? Is there any reason cyclists aren’t using it now as it is?

  • jj says:

    Yes, cyclists have ridden through it. Perhaps more need to!

  • caitlin says:

    “lack of definitive strategy” has been quite a popular phrase in the news these days.

  • scott@eastendbrewing says:

    Okay, so my little “exit strategy” joke rant didn’t really go over, did it? Guess I’ll keep my day job…

    Bike tunnel sounds like a GREAT idea!

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