Help make Pittsburgh more walkable

Please Come to This Public Meeting on Pedestrian Issues and Have Your Voice Heard

What’s this have to do with biking? Well, what’s good for walking is typically good for cycling and vice versa.

What: Provide input on the City’s Draft Pedestrian Plan
When: Saturday, December 9, 2006 beginning at 2:00pm
Where: In the University of Pittsburgh's Public Health Auditorium
(located between Desoto and Bouquet Street on Fifth Avenue in Oakland)

Fore more information contact
Richard Meritzer, City of Pittsburgh-Department of City Planning
(412) 255-2102


  • erok says:

    This is really exciting. Pittsburgh is apparently one of the first cities in the country to come out with a Pedestrian Plan. We’ve gotten poor marks as a walkable city, and there are lots of improvments that can be made. For more info on pedestrian safety and promotion, see

  • scott says:

    This was at the footer of an article by Joe Grata in last week’s Post-Gazette:

    “Believe it. PennDOT records show 12,137 reportable accidents and 104 fatalities occurred last year in Allegheny County — 6,396 of them attributed to aggressive driving.”

    The city and county need to do more to calm traffic. 6,396 accidents due to aggressive driving is unacceptable. Show up to this public meeting and give feedback and help shape the city!

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