Interested folks should apply ASAP to Richard Meritzer ( The final orientation for this semester is Friday, January 19th.
From the City Planning website:
Bike Internship
The Department of City Planning provides a number of for credit/for experience unpaid internships for both graduate and undergraduate students. These internships are designed to be part time with flexible time frames so that students can combine them with a class or work schedule. They are available throughout the year.
City Bicycle Plan Implementation
The intern will (1) Investigate nonpublic funding sources for additional bicycle routing signage and develop a possible funding strategy; (2) work with bicycle safety groups to identify and publicize bicycle safety training; (3) identify and prioritize end parking locations in the City of Pittsburgh. This will include investigation of various funding sources (both public and private).
The intern must have experience working on community projects. They must be experienced in working with computers including Word and Excel. A solid background in computers and course in the use of ESRI/Arcview software.
Interested students should send a resume to:
Richard Meritzer
Department of City Planning
200 Ross Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Or e-mail a resume to:
Or call: (412)255-2102
For more information please visit:
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