Outdoor Attitudes Survey for Pittsburgh

Yep, here’s another survey for you. Didn’t you know, this is the month of surveys?!

Bike Pittsburgh is collaborating with a handful of other nonprofit organizations and Campos Inc., a market research firm, to assess attitudes around “getting outdoors” in order to better address concerns and market our region’s amenities. Of course, as Bike Pittsburgh we’re very interested in getting folks outside and onto bicycles and appreciating not only the “great outdoors,” but the “urban outdoors!” We want folks getting outside for utility and not only recreation (although we like recreation too!).

Without being too long-winded, this survey is framed around “recreation,” but at the end of the survey you are more than welcome to give input/feedback. For example there is no question regarding improving bicycle infrastructure and how that might encourage more folks to “get outdoors.”

The survey takes about 10 minutes and can be accessed by clicking here.

You’ll first be asked to join something called the “voice of the region panel.” This is for market research purposes and you can choose “NA/no response” if you so choose for many of the questions if you don’t feel comfortable sharing info. After you’re done signing up as a panelist you will be taken to the actual outdoor survey. Campos insists that they do not share your contact info with anyone and you can remove yourself as a panelist at any time. Your responses could help to find money for outdoor activities in and around Pittsburgh and show the City and funders how much interest there is in bicycling (including bicycle infrastructure).

Please feel free to invite anyone else you know to take part in the survey by forwarding them this blog post.

1 Comment

  • UnSpace says:

    Just took the survey. Easy, didn’t take long, even if I’m not quite used to my new keyboard yet.

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