Tonight (Feb 28th): Meet the Candidates!

This is a repost from an email we received. Cyclists should go to this and ask the candidates where they stand on making Pittsburgh more bike-friendly!

Progressive Candidates Forum

Wednesday, February 28th
The Union Project Atrium
Negley & Stanton Ave (Highland Park/Friendship)

Meet & Greet starts at 6:30pm

Invitations sent to all candidates:
Pittsburgh City Council
Allegheny County Council
County Executive
Court of the Common Pleas
School Board
City Controller

Candidates will be on hand to chat with you about why they deserve your vote!

The forum to follow will focus on three important races:
City Council District 7 – Bloomfield, Highland Park, East Liberty
City Council District 9 – East Hills, Homewood, Point Breeze
City of Pittsburgh Controller – citywide & impacts the whole region

6:30 – Meet & Greet
7:00 – City Council District 7
7:45 – City Council District 9
9:00 – City Controller

AND, Mayoral candidate Bill Peduto will briefly address the gang as we get underway around 7:00pm. Mayor Luke Ravenstahl has declined our invitation to participate (but recently told KDKA that he’d be willing to reschedule.

The coalition of presenters agreed that it would be unfair to Peduto, who agreed to speak well in advance, to cancel the event entirely, so he will still be given a chance to speak.

So come hob-nob with the rest of Pittsburgh’s
young and progressive politically-aware, and
see what the voting polls will have to offer!

Sponsoring Groups:
Democracy for Pittsburgh
The League of Young Voters
The Gertrude Stein Club
The Steel-City Stonewall Democrats
Progress Pittsburgh

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