South Milvale Ave Bridge to Close For the Rest of the Year

A major cycling connection between North Oakland and Bloomfield will be closing on April 16 for the rest of the year.

road closed

The South Milvale Ave Bridge is apparently in need of major repairs, and will be closed off to not only vehicle and bicycle traffic, but to pedestrian traffic as well. As this is a major shortcut over the hollow between Liberty Ave and Baum Blvd, many people, especially pedestrians will be very inconvenienced. The City recommends that pedestrians use Cypress St to Baum Blvd.

Cyclists won’t be as inconvenienced, but more annoyed that a major cycling route will be closed for the rest of the year. We’ve posted a recommended cycling detour to Oakland that still manages to avoid the dangerous Baum Blvd and Centre Ave. Please be careful at the intersection of Baum/Centre/Aiken/Liberty as it can be hairy, especially with the increase in vehicular traffic due to the detour.

Milvale ave cycling detour

Posted by erok

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