Released April 10, 2007 by U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission

WASHINGTON, April 10 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — The U.S. Consumer Product
Safety Commission, in cooperation with the firm named below,
today announced a voluntary recall of the following consumer product.
Consumers should stop using recalled products immediately unless otherwise instructed.
(To access color photos of the following recalled products,
seeCPSC’s Web site at
(Logo: )
Name of Product: SRAM Force Road Brake Caliper Sets
Units: About 5,400 units
Importer: SRAM Corp., of Chicago, Ill.
Hazard: The brake caliper sets could break and detach from the bicycle’s
fork or frame. This could cause the rider to lose control and crash.
Incidents/Injuries: None reported.
Description: The recall involves the SRAM Force Road Brake Calipers sets
sold as aftermarket components. The brake caliper sets have “SRAM Force”
and some have a date or production code embossed on the unit.
Code Example In Recall Not In Recall
Date code 01JUN06 Dates between 01JUN06 Dates after
(Day/Month/Year) and 25DEC06 25DEC06
No date code ——— All sold between —————
July 2006 through
March 2007
Production Code 35T61234567 Codes beginning with Codes beginning
35T6 through 51T6 with 52T6 and
codes with “7” as
the fourth digit
The SRAM brake caliper sets may have also been installed on the
following makes and models of bicycles: Specialized (S-Works Tarmac SL,
S-Works Roubaix); Trek (Project One Madone models); Fuji (Fuji SL1); Scott
USA (Addict R3); Bianchi (Bianchi 928 SL); Kuota (Kuota KOM, Kuota KREDO,
Kuota KEBEL); Orbea (Orca, Aqua, Loboular, Opal, Arin, Aqua Dama, Dama Race
and Diva); Kestrel (Evoke SL/Force, RT700/Force), Titus (Vuelo, Solera) and
Sampson (Diablo).
Sold at: Specialty bicycle retailers nationwide sold individual brake
caliper sets from July 2006 through January 2007 for about $270 and
bicycles which included these sets through March 2007 for between $3,000
and $7,300.
Manufactured in: Taiwan
Remedy: Consumers should stop using bicycles equipped with these brake
caliper sets immediately and contact their bicycle retailer for a free
Consumer Contact: For additional information, contact SRAM at
(800) 346-2928 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. CT Monday through Friday or visit
the firm’s Web site at
Firm’s Recall Hotline: (800) 346-2928
CPSC Recall Hotline: (800) 638-2772
CPSC Media Contact: (301) 504-7908