Wow, the work is finally beginning on the West End Circle! To give you a little bit of history, four years ago, Bike Pittsburgh members showed up to PennDOT’s West End Circle Realignment meetings en masse demanding that this dangerous area be made safe for cyclists. PennDOT listened and made plans to construct a separate bike/walking path around the circle. It was one of our first wins as an organization and now construction will finally begin. Too bad it won’t be finished till 2010. Thanks to all the original BP folks who helped out way back when!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
By Joe Grata, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation will begin the $52.6 million West End Circle improvement project on Monday, work that will last through spring 2010.
No traffic restrictions are expected for the first phase.
Located at the south end of the West End Bridge, the project includes realigning and rebuilding the West End Circle, replacing two bridges and making other improvements that will help traffic movements and provide a direct connection between Route 51 and the West End Bridge. It will use a short tunnel built several years ago under Norfolk Souther Railways tracks.
PennDOT awarded the construction contract to West Mifflin-based Trumbull Corp.