Trib- Just Fix It!: Neville and Boundary streets, Oakland

You’re emails and letters from our Action Alert are helping to get the ball rolling! Keep up the good work, cyclists!

By Jeremy Boren
Sunday, October 21, 2007

Just Fix It is a weekly column that identifies broken pieces of the public’s property and who’s responsible for fixing them. Do you know of something that needs repair? Tell us about it. Send e-mail to or call 412-320-7825.

Cracked pavement and potholes mean a few extra jostles for drivers where Boundary Street becomes Neville Street in Oakland, but they can lead to serious falls and injuries for cyclists, who use the road for access to the Panther Hollow Trail.

“I’ve had a number of cyclists who have wiped out because of its horrible condition,” said Pittsburgh Councilman Bill Peduto, who represents the area. “It’s a mess.”

Peduto wrote Public Works Director Guy Costa asking for repairs.

neville st
A bicyclist makes his way over the rough road that intersects railroad tracks on Boundry Street in Oakland

“I’m sure we could probably cobble together various funds (to fix this),” said Patrick Hassett, assistant director of Public Works.

It’s uncertain how soon that might happen or how much it would cost to repave the street, clear debris, remove overgrowth from the shoulder and erect signs warning drivers to watch out for bikers.

Hassett told Peduto and City Council members Wednesday that the task of marshalling the city’s meager street paving resources for the trail-access route on Neville, near where it becomes Joncaire Street, could fall to the city’s new bicycle and pedestrian coordinator.

That position won’t be filled until January, he said.

The Panther Hollow Trail is a northern endpoint of the Great Allegheny Passage, a 150-mile series of trails that connects to the C&O Canal Towpath in Cumberland, Md., which leads to Washington.

Panther Hollow connects to the Eliza Furnace Trail — known as the Jail Trail — in Downtown.

Who’s responsible?
Pittsburgh Department of Public Works Director Guy Costa, 412-255-2790

Jeremy Boren can be reached at or 412-765-2312.

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