Post-Gazette: Possible detour for North Shore trail devised

Thursday, January 17, 2008
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

A possible detour has been devised for joggers, bikers and others who use the portion of the North Shore trail closed by construction of the Majestic Star casino.

City transportation planner Sidney Kaikai said the detour, worked out in a meeting Monday, is tentative until its safety and viability are checked.

The proposed detour is North Shore Drive to Allegheny Avenue to a left on North Avenue to a right onto Manhattan Street to a left on Juniata Street to George Way to a right onto Rush Street to a right onto Chateau Street, a U-turn under Route 65 to Beaver Avenue to North Franklin Street to the trail.

Going the other way, the detour is the trail to North Franklin to a left onto Metropolitan Street to a right onto Columbus Avenue to a right onto Beaver to a left under Route 65 to Chateau Street to a right onto Lake Street to a right onto Manhattan to a left onto North to a right onto Allegheny to the trial.

Assuming there are no problems with safety, Mr. Kaikai said he hopes to get the detour posted and in use as soon as possible. He said the detour was developed in conjunction with Bike Pittsburgh and Friends of the Riverfront.

First published on January 17, 2008 at 12:00 am


  • timz86 says:

    glad bike pgh is doing something about this. i’ve taken chateau st. a few times since the closure and it’s kind of sketchy, but there really isn’t an alternative. just watch for fast traffic. thanks bike-pgh!

  • scott says:

    No problem, Tim, and just so you know, the detour will only take people onto Chateau for about a block or two at most.

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