Masquerade By-Cycle, Saturday 4.19

Sat, Apr 19, 10am @ 12pm

Market Square, Pittsburgh PA

On Earth Day, Oceana is organizing a protest of PPG’s pollution practices: “Got Mercury? PPG does, and they dump more of it in the Ohio River than anybody else. Fortunately, they paid for a safe place for fish . . . our aquarium! Mercury can cause birth defects and learning disabilities in children. Prizes for best fish costume This six-mile, costumed bicycle ride along the river (flat and easy!) from the Market Square to PPG Aquarium. PPG releases more mercury into the Ohio River than any other corporation. Wear a costume, ride your bike, and ridicule PPG’s “aquarium”– the only place where fish are safe.”

Contact Jon for more details 412.880.8902 /

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