Sunday, April 27, 2008
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Think of it like taking out the trash, feeding the cat, brushing your teeth: A little routine bike maintenance goes a long way.
If your bike hasn’t been ridden since last summer, it needs a tuneup before it hits the trail or road. Tuneups are recommended every six months, more if you ride a lot. If you can’t do it yourself, take your bike to a reliable bike shop.
Before each ride, check:
Tire pressure
Tires for cracks, peeling, loose valve covers
Shock pressure
Fork pressure
Loose parts — if something’s rattling, don’t ride
Chain for frozen links
On-road safety:
Although Pittsburgh might be inching towards bike friendliness, it still has a long way to go. Bike Pittsburgh recommends that street cyclists — whether they’re 7 years old or 70 — keep in mind the following safety tips:
File in behind traffic at red lights (not to the right)
Use hand signals
Make eye contact with motorists
Be aware of people getting in and out of cars
• Don’t pass on the right
Don’t zig-zag through standing traffic
Don’t shoot through intersections
And, of course, wear a helmet
Off-road rules:
Check all gear before you ride
Open trails only — ask before riding on private property
Don’t leave the trails
Leave no ruts or litter
Maintain control, don’t ride too fast for conditions
Passing on the left!” — shout a warning before passing
Yield to passing cyclists
Leave gates as you found them
Stop completely at road crossings
And, of course, wear a helmet
After each ride:
Check tires, again
Clean sweat from frame and seat
Clean sand, dirt, grime from chain, sprockets
Re-lube the chain and remove excess lube
Store in a safe place where the bike won’t fall and spokes won’t be damaged
For more safety tips, road rules, biking danger zones and a lot more of anything you need to know about biking in Pittsburgh, visit