By: Joann Cantrell, Pop City Media
Mike Edwards of Pittsburgh Downtown Partnerships is an old hand at commuting by bicycle and he does it year round. Last year on his way from Mt. Lebanon to his office downtown, he saw a sign at an intersection on Rt. 51 he passes daily. It could have been for him, he says, or one of the crew of regulars who ride that way daily. The sign read, simply and admiringly, “You Rock, Bike Guy!”
It could be a sign, in another sense of the word, that things are looking up for bike riders in the region.
High gas prices this summer and an increasing awareness of the environment have helped to create a surge in bicycle commuting across the country and biking through scenic Pittsburgh is evolving into a mainstream mode of transportation. That, and the addition of a new bike safety director (see recent Pop Story here) not to mention more bikers on the road, are more encouraging signs.
Remember: for every biker you see, that’s one less car on the road. Read more»