BikePGH’s “Official Bike Bell Ringtone” – Download it for FREE

Local Artist Captures the sounds of Pittsburgh, makes free ringtones

Our friend, Teresa Foley, a Pittsburgh based artist and educator, started a project called Locally Toned, that “involves Pittsburghers in the creation of original ringtones, and then provides the free tones to the public.”  Often, people pick sounds that are special to them, or are unique to Pittsburgh.

Naturally, I picked the sound of my favorite bike bell.  Teresa showed up at my house with some fancy recording equipment to capture the bell and an interview.  I usually cringe when most people’s cell phones go off, but a bike bell is always pleasant and brings a smile to most people’s faces when they hear it.

This is possibly one of the coolest bells I’ve seen around, and lucky for me, I found it at Free Ride.  You too, can have this sweet ringtone on your phone.  We hope it will be a great conversation starter to help people spread the bike love and talk about the work we’re doing to make Pittsburgh more bike-friendly.  Maybe it will even remind you to renew your membership.  But, I’m keeping the actual bell.

Click here to read the story behind the “Official BikePGH Ringtone”

Click here to go directly to the ringtone download page

My sweet lion bell. Click image to get ringtone

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  • Lou F. says:

    This is excellent! Some people have strong opinions about ring tone preferences . . . especially down at the BikePGH office. I think this is one tone we all can feel good about. Way to go.

  • erok says:

    we apparently beat out 10yr old Taylor’s ringtone for Locally Toned “most downloaded” title.

  • […] friend and contributor Erok, Membership Director of BikePGH, was recently approached by Locally Toned, a project to find and record locally themed ringtones. […]

  • erok says:

    260 downloads so far!!

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