BikePGH Messageboard Thread of the Day
The Headlines
- Bill O’Driscoll of The City Paper writes of his experience taking his bike on the T to a concert to Hartwood Acres City Paper
- Bike Polo: Taking it to the Streets Pop City
- A local blogger critiques the non-diversity of the Tour De France WWVB
The Car-nage
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Tour riders are chosen for their merit and athletic ability not the color of their skin or country of origin. Bikepgh You seriously put this kind of trash post into your headlines? Cycling, white guy sport! This is not only inaccurate but completely outrageous. I’ll tell you where you can shove your diversity ideas.
it’s about having a dialogue in the marketplace of ideas. obviously you don’t agree…and that’s fine. ideas win or lose based on their merit. Us placing something in the headlines doesn’t mean that we support the content or not. We aim to provide a forum for discussion, especially about issues that we think would be of interest to local cyclists. As this was something produced by a local blogger who has written about cycling in the past. It obviously interested you enough to click on it and read it, so i guess it qualifies.
please don’t resort to childish places that we should shove things. thanks.
Simmer down, Shred, or take your vitriol somewhere else.
Hey Shred, I actually found that post kind of interesting. It was thought-provoking, it introduced me to a new blogger who I hadn’t seen before, *and* I learned about the Grand Boucle which I’d never heard of before. You don’t have to agree with everything to acknowledge that somebody put a great deal of work into presenting their point of view, and that somebody else might learn something that is useful to them.
‘The criticism I’ve offered of the Tour De France comes down to two words: White Guys.’
This is not only racial but cheap. The post also implies that the individuals have been excluded one way or another based on their skin color. I find this premise baseless, nonsensical and merely implied based the authors perceived makeup of the tour.
Erok: Not all things biking make it to the headlines of bikepgh. The poster felt this blog entry had enough merit to pass on and propagate and this reflects badly on bikepgh.
So we should only post things that we all agree with? There are a lot of interesting or controversial perspectives out there that contribute to the cycling community. Why not put them out there for people to comment on in a constructive manner? I don’t think this AT ALL reflects poorly on BikePGH.
ok, tell him not me. i didn’t write it.
like i said, i post things that i think might be of interest to local cyclists. i’ve even posted many things that i personally don’t agree with for the sake of broadening debate and understanding how other people think.
it’s one link amongst thousands.
some advice: It’s teh Internets…relax
You know if Erok came across a blog post that read ‘What’s wrong with the NBA? Niggers!’ and it went on to explain with charts and graphs on how making basketball more appealing to white suburbians would benefit that sport, weather that post was bicycle related or not I’m sure this controversial perspective wouldn’t make it to the bikepgh headlines.
Please don’t use racial epithets on our website ever again.
oh c’mon, really?