The City of Pittsburgh is asking that you email or call 311 to report potholes. Let the games begin!
The Links
- Winter’s epic potholes are being discussed on the BikePGH Messageboard
- A 3-ft passing law in Virginia passed through their senate unanimously and is about to head to Va House of Representatives
- The Post-Gazette reports about the Pittsburgh Streetfilms segment
- A recent study in Minneapolis validates what we knew all along, that more cyclists make for safer cycling
- Have the Saudis been overstating their oil reserves?
- Sec of Transportation, Ray LaHood outlines Biden’s rail plan
- An interesting article about media fairness and reporting in traffic incidents
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[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by BikePGH, OnPittsburgh. OnPittsburgh said: Week’s Links: 2.11.11: The City of Pittsburgh is asking that you email or call 311 to report pothole… #Pittsburgh […]