Another beautiful evening for a bike ride or a movie on the lawn
ACA Wednesday Crits / Wed, August 17, 6pm – 8pm
Bud Harris Cycling Track (401 Washington Blvd, Pittsburgh, PA 15206)
Part of the ACA Summer Criterium Series hosted at Bud Harris Cycling Park and sponsored by the Allegheny Cycling Association. The race begins at 6:15 promptly and all riders must pay a $10 entrance fee that covers the USCF and City of Pittsburgh surcharge. The criterium covers the catagories of USCF 1-2-3 (Class A), 3-4 (Class B) Race and all winners will receive a cash prize. For any additional information please go to http://acaracing.com/schcr11w.html
Women’s Mountain Bike Ride / Wed, August 17, 6:00pm – 7:30pm
Frick Park parking lot (off of Braddock Ave. and Biddle Ave.)
A ride for the girls! (Please, NO guys) We’ll do a skills clinic, followed by a short ride to practice. Beginner to intermediate level. We’ll ride in the rain, unless there’s so much rain that it would be bad for the trails. Contact:
karen@dirtragmag.com for more details
Wednesdays At The OTB with the Major Taylor Cycling Club / Wed, August 17, 6:30pm – 10:00pm
The OTB Cafe, 26th & Carson, 15213
A no-drop, tour around the city (12-18 miles), at a casual pace, hosted by the Major Taylor Cycling Club. Rain cancels. contact:
Hardcourt Bike Polo (Beginner’s Night) / Wed, August 17, 6:30pm – 9:30pm
Arsenal Park Hockey Court (39th Street in Lawrenceville, halfway between Penn Ave & Butler St)
Hardcourt Bicycle Polo is a game of speed, skill, and balance. With roots that reach back over 100 years to when bicycle polo began on grass, this hardcourt variant bears resemblance to both traditional horse polo and street hockey. Called ‘hardcourt’ because it played on paved surfaces, the game consists of two teams of three players and can be played to a time limit or a certain score. Each team defends a goal with their bicycle and a mallet while trying to remain on two wheels. The Pittsburgh Hardcourt Bike Polo club is known for their competitive abilities and their good spirit, and we welcome both new players and spectators alike. Anyone interested in playing should bring a bike that they are comfortable and familiar with as well as a helmet. Gloves are recommended, if preferred. We have plenty of spare mallets for new players to borrow. Wednesday night is beginner’s night, but new players are encouraged to watch and join in on any pick-up day when they are comfortable. Rain cancels, helmets are required, spectators are encouraged, and this event is not recommended for children 16 or under.
Bike to Jurassic Park Day / Wed, August 17, 7pm – 10pm
Schenley Park, Oakland
Jurassic Park will be playing as the movie in the park tonight in Schenley Park! Bike there and lets make a huge bike presence at the park, then lets watch one of the greatest movies ever! Free for all – starts at sunset.
Bike Maintenance Basic for Women / Wed, August 17, 7pm – 8pm
REI (South Side Works)
If you ride a bicycle, then you need this class! This class is an informative presentation that will teach you how to lube a chain, fix a flat tire in record time, and make other minor adjustments to your bicycle. No experience necessary! Bring your front wheel for hands on flat repair instruction. Registration is not required but recommended as space is limited. Visit www.rei.com/pittsburgh to register. If the class is full sign up for the waiting list so we can let you know if we plan on moving the class outside to accomodate a larger crowd (weather dependent).
Quicksilver – Bike-In Movie at PCA / Wed, August 17, 8:30pm – 11:00pm
Pittsburgh Center for the Arts, Fifth Ave and Shady Ave
Quicksilver tells the tale of Jack Casey (Kevin Bacon), a hot-shot stock market wiz kid who makes a mistake that forces him to trade his life in the fast-lane of stock trading for a life in the bike lane as a messenger. Since 1986 this film has fermented and aged like a fine wine, proving that it’s impossible for Kevin Bacon and bikes to make a bad movie, even if it’s from the eighties. And who wouldn’t want to see it outside, for free, with a bunch of other bikers? Also, we’re expecting the Franktuary Hot Dog Truck to show up to provide concessions.
Movie will start when it gets dark. In case of rain, the movie will move under the huge tent.
Not a member of BikePGH?Join today! We need you to add your voice! Bike Pittsburgh works to protect cyclist’s rights and promote the vision of making Pittsburgh a safer and more enjoyable place to live and to ride. For more info, check out: www.bike-pgh.org/membership