- The Pittsburgh Metro spends about $3.1 BILLION dollars on road crashes – about $1,300 per capita, according to the AAA.
- Each road fatality costs approximately $6,000,000. Yes, you read that correctly. Here’s a map of every road casualty in the USA, 2001-2009.
- Here’s an interesting article on how bicycling infrastructure impacts local economies.
- As Pittsburgh considers bringing a bike share program to town, Baltimore is now adding jobs in conjunction with the launch of their bike share program.
- Why would someone who owns a bike (or multiple bikes) want to join a bike share program? Find out here.
- Five of the biggest myths about bike share.
- Speaking of myths, CNN outlines the biggest myths about raising the gas tax
- Sharrows keep popping up in Pittsburgh. Grist has a good retrospective and critique of the marking.
- Mobile, Alabama joins the ranks of cities with on-street bike parking facilities
- Planetizen lists Pittsburgh native Zach Furness’ book, One Less Car, on it’s Top 10 urban planning books of the year. Congratulations, Zach!
Help us reach 2012 members by 2012 and unlock $2012 in matching!! Join today! We need 250 more members by the end of the year! Bike Pittsburgh works to protect cyclist’s rights and promote the vision of making Pittsburgh a safer and more enjoyable place to live and to ride. For more info, check out: www.bike-pgh.org/membership