The City of Pittsburgh wants your input for the MovePGH Plan
The Department of City Planning is currently creating the first ever Comprehensive Plan for the 250+ year old City called PlanPGH. The plan includes a transportation section called MOVEPGH, which launched the ambitious public outreach component earlier in the year. They are now beginning the local workshop schedule.
MOVEPGH’s purpose is simple: Provide a transportation network that is safe and efficient while meeting the City’s commercial, residential and recreational needs. At its essence, MOVEPGH is a vision of the City’s transportation network for 2035.
MOVEPGH Community Workshop #1 is focused on transportation issues related to the Northside, Allegheny Riverfront, and West End Valley. The workshop is open to the public – even if you do not live in these areas. Join the MOVEPGH team for an open and interactive discussion about walkability, highways, transit, bicycling, and more.
Workshop #1 Kick-off Event: Describing the week’s activities & preliminary findings
- Monday, March 26 6:00-7:30PM
- Allegheny Middle School – Allegheny Center – 810 Arch St, Pittsburgh, PA 15212
Workshop #1 Open House: See the MOVEPGH team at work & provide input
Three open sessions–drop in any time
- Tuesday, March 27 10:00AM – 5:00PM
- Wednesday, March 28 10:00AM – 5:00PM
- Thursday, March 29 10:00AM – 3:00PM
- Where: Sen. John Heinz History Center – Strip District – 1212 Smallman St, Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Workshop #1 Wrap-Up Event: A MOVEPGH team progress report for the week
- Thursday, March 29 6:00-7:30PM
- Where: Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary School – Allegheny Center – 50 Montgomery Pl, Pittsburgh, PA 15212
MOVEPGH Workshop #1 is the first of four (4) week-long MOVEPGH public design workshops to be held around the City over the next six months. Each workshop will highlight different portions of the City of Pittsburgh. These “design studio” workshops will be multi-disciplinary, working design sessions where stakeholders, designers, technical experts, and the public will work together to develop, design and plan solutions. TheMOVEPGH team will work all week long in a different location for each of the four Workshops to develop and test various design and planning ideas related to:
- transportation solutions for areas of change and redevelopment;
- expanding multi-modal choice;
- developing street designs and complete streets;
- creating interlinked bike, pedestrian, transit, and street networks;
- protecting areas of no change;
- expanding connectivity;
- selectively expanding vehicle capacity
Workshop Format:
Each of the four workshops will follow a similar schedule:
Day 1 – Evening Kick-off meeting
Day 2, 3, & 4 – Daytime Open House work sessions
Day 4 – Evening Wrap-up event
Evening Kick-off Meeting: sets the stage for the coming week, and provides a progress report on work to-date.
Daytime Open Houses: provide great opportunities for community groups, residents, the business community and others to interact with the planning team by expressing their ideas, plans, and concerns. Drop in any time!
Evening Wrap-up Meetings: will summarize all of the input received during the previous four days and offer another opportunity for an interactive discussion with other stakeholders and the MOVEPGH Team.
More info about Workshops #2, #3, and #4 will be coming soon!
Not a member of BikePGH? Join today! We need you to add your voice! Bike Pittsburgh works to protect cyclist’s rights and promote the vision of making Pittsburgh a safer and more enjoyable place to live and to ride. For more info, check out: