From Minnesota to Mississippi, America Tells Congress to Preserve Bike-Ped Funding from Streetfilms on Vimeo.
BikePGH attended the National Bike Summit in DC. Be sure to check out the above video. Notice how even Decatur, GA has been able to figure out green bike lanes and road diets into their downtown core.
- Congress kicks the can down the road for 90 days as they try to settle on a transportation bill
- Copenhagen’s 2012 Bicycle Account is making waves around the internet. The Business Insider claims that if 1/3 of the US biked one mile a day, we’d save $17 Billion.
- A WRCT radio segment digs deeper into the state of public transit in Pittsburgh
- The Pittsburgh Major Taylor Cycling Club launches their new website
- Rising gas prices always lead to cycling articles in the mainstream media, like the USA Today
- The French apparently invented a car that befriends bikes instead of fighting them
- The Boston Bicyclists Union launches a cool Bike to Market program
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