Rapha Heads to Pittsburgh

Rapha, purveyors of fine (very fine) men’s and women’s cycling clothing and accoutrements, are visiting Pittsburgh next week to crush some miles, peddle their wares, and hang out with the local cycling community. We’re pleased to be partnering with The Beauty Shoppe and Deeplocal to show them a good time. And you’re invited.

The evening of Tuesday, July 10th, Deeplocal will host a FREE viewing of either Breaking Away or Flashdance (we’ll take a vote night of) at their new studio located at 6016 Penn Ave, in East Liberty. We’ve been dying to show Flashdance for quite some time, but the opportunity hasn’t presented itself till now. Those of you not familiar with the film might be wondering why the hell we would choose that particular movie. No, it’s not because Jennifer Beals is a maniac (maniac!) on the floor. It’s because she was bike commuting in Pittsburgh before it was the thing to do. In fact, she was even combining bike trips with transit (see below for a pic of her on the Duquesne Incline) 30 years before the Port Authority even got their first bike rack on the front of a bus.

Anyway, we’ll leave it to the majority to decide which of the two films we view. Please show up at 7pm, and if you can, bring something to sit on like a camp chair or yoga mat. There probably won’t be quite enough chairs to go around. Oh yeah, and we’ve lined up a sixtel of Pedal Pale Ale from East End Brewing to whet your whistles.

To recap:

FREE movie and hang sesh with BikePGH and Rapha
Where: Deeplocal’s studio, 6016 Penn Ave, East Liberty
When: 7pm on Tuesday, July 10th

We need you to become a member of BikePGH! We work to protect cyclists’ rights and promote the vision of making Pittsburgh a world-class bicycle and pedestrian friendly city. For more info, visit: www.bike-pgh.org/membership

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