IMPORTANT: Help Prioritize MOVEPGH Projects


Remember all of the MovePGH Plan neighborhood public meetings that we were getting cyclists to attend? Well, your comments and participation are moving to the next stage.

The City made a website that put all of the “transportation projects from public forums and plans across the City in one place, categorized according to the improvement type they best represent.  Projects have also been scored and ranked based on sophisticated transportation modeling software.  While high-tech computer modeling is a great way to make understanding transportation needs more efficient, it lacks the human element–this is where you come in.”

They’re looking for the public, that’s you, to tell them what is right and what’s wrong, because sometimes the computer models “miss the nuances of a neighborhood or a street in a way that only neighborhood residents can understand.”

You can tell them what you think is important, increase a project’s priority, or say that the project should have a lower priority.

The comment period runs through the end of February.

Please follow the link and comment away:

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