Tell your elected officials that you do not support the House amendments to Senate Bill 1
The Pennsylvania Senate recently passed Senate Bill 1, a comprehensive, 21st century transportation funding solution for Pennsylvania. Given the choice, everyone would prefer Pennsylvania to exist in the 21st century, right?
Now Pennsylvania’s House Transportation Committee is contemplating amendments to that bill. But the proposed amendments strip out what the Senate had recommended for biking and walking.
The amendments completely eliminate dedicated funding for the bicycle and pedestrian projects that make our communities safer.
These proposed amendments would also reduce the funds available for multi-modal projects and deal a huge blow to mass transit, leading to massive service cuts around the state.
It’s the 21st century, and we need a 21st century transportation funding bill.
If you care about Pennsylvania making us safer by funding bicycling and walking, please click this link and contact the House leadership, the Governor, and your rep today:
- Tell them you do not support the proposed House amendments to Senate Bill 1.
- Tell them you do support a final transportation funding package that invests adequate resources in a multi-modal transportation system that includes dedicated funding for all modes of transportation.
- Ask them to support a $2.5 billion transportation funding plan that would include a first-ever state investment in making our roads and communities safer for bicyclists and pedestrians.
- Tell them why you care and why this is important.
Making roads and communities more conducive to active transportation options, like bicycling and walking, will reduce roadway crashes, reduce carbon emissions, help children and families build physical activity into their daily routines, and open Pennsylvania up to a larger share of the bicycle tourism industry – a multi-billion dollar industry.