Yet We Rise, We Ride… the first issue of the Pittsburgh Women & Biking zine is complete
Formed as a collaboration between the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh – Main Zine Collection and Bike Pittsburgh, the first Women & Biking Zines Reading Hangout took place in November. This event was incredibly inspiring; it brought together women across generations to read, discuss, create, and contribute their perspectives on being women who enjoy riding bikes. Addressing the concerns of women who bike and creating an environment in which more women feel comfortable riding bicycles are key aspects of building livable cities, and this event provided a way to open the discussion.
Our new zine series serves as a way to highlight the stories and ideas of Pittsburgh women who ride bikes or would like to bike. The title of Issue #1 Yet We Rise, We Ride… comes from the words of one of the contributors, and the zine contains works from 33 Pittsburgh Women! We are looking forward to hosting more events like the Zines Reading Hangout to build a supportive community and inspire women to ride.
Update! You can now purchase this zine on our gear page! We were only initially able to make enough copies for the contributors, however we received a lot of requests so we printed more to share this awesome zine with everyone. Please let us know if you’re a fan of this project! With your support we can continue to bring women together for more events and publications.
Not a member of BikePGH? Join today! We need you to add your voice! Bike Pittsburgh works to protect cyclist’s rights and promote the vision of making Pittsburgh a safer and more enjoyable place to live and to ride. For more info, check out:
Is there a digital (ebook or PDF) version of the first issue available for download?
I want one too! Would gladly buy a copy.
[…] have heard from a lot of Pittsburghers telling us that they want the zine too. Women & Biking Zine Issue 1: Yet We Rise, We Ride is now available for purchase on our […]