Action Alert: Comment on the new East Liberty Circulation & Mobility Plan

East Liberty Development Inc. releases Phase 1 of plan – Walking, Accessibility and Parking

ELDI study coverYesterday, after months of planning and community input, East Liberty Development Inc. (ELDI)  released a draft of Phase 1 of their Circulation & Mobility Action Plan, titled Walking, Accessibility and Parking.

According to ELDI, “The purpose of the Walkability and Accessibility Study was to identify the highest-priority routes for investment in pedestrian-oriented improvements. It examined both the physical conditions of the business district and also community member and stakeholder‘s perceptions.”

The plan incorporates many of BikePGH’s positions regarding the need to develop Pittsburgh streets that are safe and accessible for all to bike and walk; including those derived from Jeff Speck’s “10 Steps of Walkability” (summarized on pages 23-29 of the plan), and Donald Shoup’s “The High Price of Free Parking”.  We are glad to see that these ideas are valued and endorsed by the East Liberty community, and are looking forward to aiding them with the transformation of their streets.

The document is open for public comment until February 24th. It is available both electronically on East Liberty Development Inc.’s website, and via hard copy at the East Liberty Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh.  You can enter electronic comments to ELDI’s Planning Coordinator, Loralyn Fabian.

We are encouraging all people who use East Liberty’s streets and are interested in seeing “Complete Streets” improvement, review and comment on the draft of the East Liberty Circulation and Mobility Action Plan, Phase 1: Walkability, Accessibility and Parking 

Screen Shot 2013-11-19 at 11.14.28 AMBikePGH’s Better Bikeways Vision stresses that Pittsburgh’s bike routes must be interconnected, safe, attractive, and comfortable in order to appeal to people of all ages, especially those who are interested in riding a bike but concerned for their safety. Learn more about BikePGH’s Better Bikeways Vision.

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