Taking the message that bike riders are people back to the streets of Pittsburgh
[ezcol_3fifth]Last Year BikePGH launched a public awareness campaign to put a human face on bicycling in Pittsburgh. At the time we could only afford to rent four billboards and 15 bus shelters for one month. In those short weeks, there was an outpouring of public support for the Drive With Care campaign through news coverage, write-ups, and thousands of social media hits. Other cities even reached out requesting to borrow the idea! Drive With Care truly resonated with people.
That person riding a bike is your friend, neighbor, or loved one. This year we hope to relaunch the Drive With Care campaign at the scale our community deserves in order to reach thousands more road users in and around Pittsburgh with this message. Please watch our Indiegogo campaign video, and join local heroes Rick Sebak and Antonio Brown in backing this important campaign and broadcasting your support.
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Watch our campaign video, narrated by Rick Sebak:
Learn more about the campaign and check out the great perks on Indiegogo!
[ezcol_2third]With Bike Pittsburgh going strong—boasting a bigger membership than the city’s Democratic Committee—they’re making great strides. That type of organization is needed in every city. They make it easy for elected officials to join on. –Mayor Bill Peduto (Source: Streetsblog USA)[/ezcol_2third] [ezcol_1third_end]