Pittsburgh takes on the Challenge

Over 1,000 riders registered for the National Bike Challenge!


Over 1,000 PGH riders are pedaling to beat CLE and finish top city in the nation!

Pittsburgh, we’re off to a strong start in the National Bike Challenge. With more than 1,000 registered riders we’re getting closer to our goal of 1,750 riders each day! After 36 days our riders have ridden 136,807 miles.  Our city is ranked #4 in the country and we have three more months to rank higher. But what’s most important is that we’re beating CLEVELAND!

Here are some Pittsburgh highlights that deserve kudos:

–          43% of the miles rode were for transportation (that ranks us as the top commuter-oritented city with populations over 200,000)

–          Pennsylvania is #11 among all 50 states

–          The top local team in Pittsburgh is Bike Commuter Cabal

–          BikePGH ranks #32 nationally in the small business category

–          70 Rust Belt riders have gotten a free pint at OTB

rust cup brick wall

PGH wants to keep the trophy on our turf!

Last year, Pittsburgh was the winner of the Rust Belt Championship, a local rivalry competition between us and Cleveland.  If we want to beat them this year and remain champions, we need more riders riding more miles.  We’ll keep updating you as the rivalry continues.  Tell your friends to register for the National Bike Challenge today!

The entire nation is riding proudly.  Here are the stats for how our county is pedaling:

–         38,458 riders are registered (the national goal is 50,000)

–         Together we have ridden 6,057,890 miles

Thank you, Pittsburgh, for joining the National Bike Challenge. Have fun, stay safe, and happy riding!

BOTB_PIT_CLE_380Join the National Bike Challenge today and pedal for Pittsburgh. Ride solo, with a team, or with your workplace. Challenge other teams and workplaces. See how you stand against other riders locally, state-wide, and nationally. The National Bike Challenge is a free, fun, friendly competition that runs from May 1 to Sept. 30.

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